We use go-bindata to bundle text files (html, js, css, yaml) into our binary. I bet you could use it to bundle Go source.

https://github.com/jteeuwen/go-bindata <https://github.com/jteeuwen/go-bindata>

Ah, this is great, Thanks!

On 2017-10-19 20:51, Alex Buchanan wrote:
But, maybe a better solution is to faithfully record the current git (or other VCS) details you'd need to find the code which resulted in the binary? That way you have access to the source in its natural state.

Yes, this is what we do not, but it turns out, in reality it is often too easy that these get disconnected for whatever reason, like that very tempting last minute fix, file open in multiple editors at the same time (we're on a shared cluster), or similar. Having a "locked" link between what is executed and its definition, will make us sleep better at night, I think :)

Thanks, and Cheers
// Samuel

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