On Monday, December 4, 2017 at 10:38:35 AM UTC-7, Hugh Aguilar wrote:
> On Monday, December 4, 2017 at 7:11:09 AM UTC-7, Gerald wrote:
>> On Sun, 3 Dec 2017 20:07:45 -0800 (PST), you wrote: 
>> >I'll bet if Mozilla had used Go to write FireFox, rather than invent 
>> their 
>> >own language, Google would have done something to stop them. 
>> You are aware that Google helps fund Firefox (through their agreement 
>> to be the default search engine)? 
> I was not aware of that.
> I only recently started using FireFox. Previously I had used Google Chrome.
> My new computer crashed after I installed Chrome and I was suspicious that 
> Chrome caused this. 
> Also, my old computer became very slow and I was suspicious of Chrome 
> being the cause of this.
> Because of these reasons, I switched to FireFox.

 FireFox actually uses Yahoo --- not Google --- so if Google did make a 
donation to Mozilla, they got nothing in return.
You're not supposed to expect something in return when you make a donation 
to a non-profit --- donations are not supposed to be a business deal. 

I'm having problems with my new computer. It became so slow that it took 20 
minutes just to boot up. 
I killed the Microsoft Edge browser and left only FireFox running, and it 
seems to be working better.
I don't know if this means Chrome or Edge are necessarily at fault. Maybe 
browsers just use a lot of memory and so only one should be used at a time.
It seems depressing to me that we now have 64-bit dual-core computers 
available for less than a week's wages, 
but our software is so bad that my old Commodore-64 is still faster (for 
simple things like text editing that it could do).

Anyway, all of this has gone way off-topic. Windows has always sucked, and 
it will continue to suck forever --- there is not much more to say on the 
I will look into those Go chess programs that were mentioned earlier.
I still don't know much about the Alpha-Beta algorithm, so if anybody has 
any further information on that subject I would be interested in reading 

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