you are tell then generate a ASM code?! this may be hard And waste of time.

At the top of the conversation, it was said that only the C language could 
write compiler without any tools/another compiler.
so why now tell ASM?!

On Wednesday, December 13, 2017 at 4:17:05 PM UTC+3:30, Chris Hopkins wrote:
> On Wednesday, 13 December 2017 12:40:18 UTC, wrote:
>> How can write a compiler Using C as test.exe then can use from test.exe 
>> compiler any where... so can write a input file like hello world 
>> application and generate executable file using test.exe.
>> the compiler is told what to target so rather than translate 
> a = a + b
> into e.g.
> ADD R0, R0, R1  # the ASM for architecture A
> it instead translates it to:
> ADS R0,R1 # ASM for architecture B
> That's all it is doing in the end, translating text from one form into 
> another

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