On Tue, Dec 19, 2017 at 11:08 AM, Paul Boyd <boyd.pa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry if this is a dumb question that's been answered before, but I can't
> find anything about it.
> I'm calling Grow() on a bytes.Buffer and I thought that would increase Cap()
> and the size of the underlying []byte. But, it doesn't seem to:
> https://play.golang.org/p/3j8YCpB59s That example works if I call Grow()
> with a value more than Cap()*2, but anything less and Cap() remains
> unchanged.
> Some background, if it helps, I was attempting to re-use bytes.Buffer
> objects with sync.Pool. But the data I'm dealing with is a variable size, so
> if I get back a buffer that's too small I'm calling Grow() for the
> difference. Subsequently using Bytes()[:expectedSize], which sometimes
> panics. This is basically what was going on:
> https://play.golang.org/p/gBvcvs79T7
> Am I just misusing bytes.Buffer? Is calling Grow() with a value less than
> Cap() unsupported? What am I missing?

For efficiency for small buffers, a bytes.Buffer starts out with an
internal 64 byte buffer.  You aren't going to see interesting results
from Grow unless you first Grow the buffer past that size.


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