Short answer : according to the few tests I ran, they are pretty close. You 
can use any of them, or, even better, both of them.

Long answer :

I have only compared them on about a dozen industrial problems, so take it 
with a grain of salt, but it's hard to name a winner. Gini is usually a 
little faster, but when it is slower, it is way slower than Gophersat. Gini 
is very good (sometimes even better than state-of-the-art C++ solvers, like 
glucose) on some very easy problems (those that can be solved in about 10 
to 50 ms), probably because it has a very good parser and low warmup costs. 
But it is not as good on harder problems, and it can only deal with pure 
SAT, CNF problems (and they can be exponentially bigger than their 
pseudo-boolean counterparts).

So, if you must solve hundreds of easy problems in a second, and if your 
problem is described as a CNF and you have no control over that, picking 
gini might be a good choice. If your problem is a little harder, or if you 
have the possibility to describe it as a pseudo-boolean problem, gophersat 
will probably be better.

Since they are not efficient on the same kinds of problems, using both of 
them concurrently might be interesting, too. Making them solve the same 
problem and stop them when an answer was found.

When solving pure CNF problems, the current version of gophersat suffers 
from the fact that it can natively deal with cardinality constraints and 
pseudo-boolean constraints: binary clauses take a lot of space in memory, 
and a lot of time is spent in the solver figuring out whether we are 
dealing with a clause or a more complex constraint. In the next future, we 
will probably include the ability to compile an optimized version of the 
solver for pure sat problems via build tags. Having generics in the 
language would solve that issue too ;)

Le jeudi 21 décembre 2017 16:44:24 UTC+1, Damian Gryski a écrit :
> How does it compare to ?

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