On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 6:24 AM, Henry <henry.adisuma...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I don't think UUID representation (whether with dash or without dash or
> how many dashes) is a strong argument for not including UUID into Go's
> stdlib.

Then how about the bigger problem: Semantics. There are tradeoffs of
throughput, latency, collision-resistance, time-sortability, density… and
what the correct tradeoff is depends heavily on the workload.

All of these qualify as "UUIDs" that might or might not be useful depending
on the workload:
* Centralized counter
* Combination of Node-ID and current time
* Combination of Node-ID and random number
* Combination of Node-ID, random number and current-time
* Random Number

In some workloads, time-sortable dense UUIDs are a good thing (e.g.
log-entries, where you will ~always read and write continuous ranges), in
some they are a bad thing (e.g. event-traces, where you will mostly read
and write random single entries and avoid hotspotting). Some workloads can
deal with a small probability of global collisions, as long as locally the
ids are sufficiently unique, some can't. Some workloads will have access to
the current time/system properties like a MAC/a central server, some won't…

The proliferation of UUID Go-packages should show you, that there are a
variety of different semantics that people want supported - settling on a
single one will be next to impossible.

> You can expose it in byte array, provide the default implementation for
> its string representation, and let the users work with the byte array if
> they need a custom string representation. By the way, the RFC did define
> the standard UUID string representation which is in the form of 8-4-4-4-12
> (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-Mxxx-Nxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx) that you can use as the default
> UUID string representation.
> That being said. It is also fairly trivial to implement your own UUID
> library. It takes a bit of reading to ensure your implementation conforms
> to the RFC. I know because I ended up implementing my own UUID library
> because there weren't such libraries back then.
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