Hi all,

In this particular case, this is a toy example of course, but for this toy 
example, it is absolutely a case where the performance of the 
synchronization primitive literally does not matter at all. (If I followed 
here, the intent is seemingly to watch a long running task, and the example 
has a 500ms sleep, etc.).

That said, sometimes performance does matter.

If instead this was a DIFFERENT example that was instead in some tight 
performance critical inner loop, the performance of the synchronization 
primitive for a stop flag can start to be meaningful (which of course 
should first be demonstrated by your benchmarking and/or your profiling of 
your particular program -- "premature optimization is the root of all evil" 
and all that).

Empirically speaking, that is then a situation where I've seen people start 
to get into discussion around "well on amd64 you can rely on X and Y so we 
can get away with a stop flag that doesn't use a mutex or an atomic", and 
then people start talking about benign data races, and then other people 
start talking about "there are no benign data races", and then there's the 
reference to Dmitry Vyukov's article on benign data races, etc.:


To be honest I've seen it take up a fair amount of energy just to discuss, 
and again empirically speaking I've seen very smart people make mistakes 

One question I have regarding using an atomic for a stop flag is whether or 
not there is material performance overhead compared to a simple 
unprotected/non-atomic stop flag.

I looked at that question a bit circa go ~1.7, so possibly stale info here, 
and I haven't gone back to look at my more detailed notes, but if I recall 
correctly I think my conclusion at the time was:

1. If your use case is a stop flag that will be checked many times (say, in 
a tight inner loop), and the stop flag only gets set rarely, then the 
performance of the set doesn't matter much, the assembly emitted for an 
atomic load (such as atomic.LoadUint64) seems to be identical for the 
assembly emitted for a simple load (say, *myUnint64Ptr) based on some spot 
checking a while ago (with a sample of assembly from 1.9 pasted in at the 
bottom of this post for comparison purposes).

2. Basic micro benchmarks didn't show a difference between an atomic load 
and an unprotected load for a stop flag.

3. There might be some theoretical possible overhead due to the go compiler 
will do instruction reordering in general, but won't do instruction 
reordering across function calls, so that could be one difference that 
might or might not make a difference depending on your exact code (though 
likely modest impact)?  Regarding this last point, I'm just an interested 
spectator when it comes to the go compiler, so just to be clear I don't 
really know this definitively.

At least for us at the time, the quick test program & comparison of 
assembly was enough to move us past the whole "Well, on amd64 you can get 
away with X" discussion, so I didn't delve too much deeper than that at the 

In any event, sharing this sample assembly with the community in case 
anyone is interested and/or has additional commentary on the particulars 
here in terms of performance impact in go of using an atomic load vs an 
unprotected stop flag for the (admittedly somewhat rare) cases when the 
nanoseconds do indeed matter. (And for me, a clean report from the race 
detector trumps the performance arguments, but that doesn't mean I'm not 
curious about the performance...).

Here is a simple test program:


func simpleLoadUint64(inputPtr *uint64) uint64 {
// normal load of *inputPtr
return *inputPtr

func atomicLoadUint64(inputPtr *uint64) uint64 {
// atomic.LoadUint64 atomically loads *inputPtr
return atomic.LoadUint64(inputPtr)

And here is the corresponding assembly snippets (from go 1.9):

go build -gcflags -S atomic_vs_normal_load.go 

// trivial function with an unprotected load

"".simpleLoadUint64 STEXT nosplit size=14 args=0x10 locals=0x0
        0x0000 00000 (atomic_vs_normal_load.go:8)  TEXT    
"".simpleLoadUint64(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-16
        0x0000 00000 (atomic_vs_normal_load.go:8)  FUNCDATA        $0, 
        0x0000 00000 (atomic_vs_normal_load.go:8)  FUNCDATA        $1, 
        0x0000 00000 (atomic_vs_normal_load.go:8)  MOVQ    
"".inputPtr+8(SP), AX
        0x0005 00005 (atomic_vs_normal_load.go:10) MOVQ    (AX), AX
        0x0008 00008 (atomic_vs_normal_load.go:10) MOVQ    AX, "".~r1+16(SP)
        0x000d 00013 (atomic_vs_normal_load.go:10) RET
        0x0000 48 8b 44 24 08 48 8b 00 48 89 44 24 10 c3        

// trivial function with a sync/atomic LoadUint64:

"".atomicLoadUint64 STEXT nosplit size=14 args=0x10 locals=0x0
        0x0000 00000 (atomic_vs_normal_load.go:13) TEXT    
"".atomicLoadUint64(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-16
        0x0000 00000 (atomic_vs_normal_load.go:13) FUNCDATA        $0, 
        0x0000 00000 (atomic_vs_normal_load.go:13) FUNCDATA        $1, 
        0x0000 00000 (atomic_vs_normal_load.go:13) MOVQ    
"".inputPtr+8(SP), AX
        0x0005 00005 (atomic_vs_normal_load.go:15) MOVQ    (AX), AX
        0x0008 00008 (atomic_vs_normal_load.go:15) MOVQ    AX, "".~r1+16(SP)
        0x000d 00013 (atomic_vs_normal_load.go:15) RET
        0x0000 48 8b 44 24 08 48 8b 00 48 89 44 24 10 c3        

On Saturday, March 17, 2018 at 10:37:48 AM UTC-4, matthe...@gmail.com wrote:
> I think the second example alternative given (playground link above) has a 
>> data race?
> I’m not surprised that the race detector sees something (a read can happen 
> during a write of the checked bool) but I don’t think this could actually 
> cause problems because the var’s memory value will always be 0 or 1.
> There may be implementation details or future implementation details that 
> cause a problem though, so one option could be to protect the bool as a 
> shared resource with a mutex or equivalent, but I think rog’s solution is 
> better anyway (the first one).
> They all involve either repeatedly checking on a timer or checking the 
>> value of another field (like polling) to see whether the long running task 
>> should be stopped.
> Right, now every iteration of the loop has more work added.
> Using os.Cmd may be an option, where you can call Kill on the separate 
> process.
> Matt
> On Saturday, March 17, 2018 at 8:01:33 AM UTC-5, thepud...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> *> "Here's another way: https://play.golang.org/p/gEDef3LolAZ 
>>> <https://play.golang.org/p/gEDef3LolAZ> "*
>> Hi all,
>> I think the second example alternative given (playground link above) has 
>> a data race?
>> Sample race detector run just now. (The two reports are inverses of each 
>> other: read then write vs. write then read).
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> go run -race stop_flag_from_gonuts.go
>> . . . . . quit sending ...
>> after quit sent==================
>> .
>> Write at 0x00c042072000 by goroutine 8:
>>   main.f.func1()
>>       C:/cygwin64/bin/gonuts/stop_flag_from_gonuts.go:13 +0x59
>> Previous read at 0x00c042072000 by goroutine 6:
>>   main.f()
>>       C:/cygwin64/bin/gonuts/stop_flag_from_gonuts.go:17 +0x102
>> Goroutine 8 (running) created at:
>>   main.f()
>>       C:/cygwin64/bin/gonuts/stop_flag_from_gonuts.go:11 +0x8a
>> Goroutine 6 (running) created at:
>>   main.main()
>>       C:/cygwin64/bin/gonuts/stop_flag_from_gonuts.go:28 +0x70
>> ==================
>> ==================
>> Read at 0x00c042072000 by goroutine 6:
>>   main.f()
>>       C:/cygwin64/bin/gonuts/stop_flag_from_gonuts.go:17 +0x102
>> Previous write at 0x00c042072000 by goroutine 8:
>>   main.f.func1()
>>       C:/cygwin64/bin/gonuts/stop_flag_from_gonuts.go:13 +0x59
>> Goroutine 6 (running) created at:
>>   main.main()
>>       C:/cygwin64/bin/gonuts/stop_flag_from_gonuts.go:28 +0x70
>> Goroutine 8 (finished) created at:
>>   main.f()
>>       C:/cygwin64/bin/gonuts/stop_flag_from_gonuts.go:11 +0x8a
>> ==================
>> quit called
>> Found 2 data race(s)
>> exit status 66
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> --thepudds
>> On Friday, March 16, 2018 at 11:04:38 AM UTC-4, matthe...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> While this is running, your select won't be receiving on the quit 
>>>> channel, even if it is non-nil. 
>>>> If you want to be able to cancel it, you'll need to make the code in 
>>>> the loop responsive to the quit channel 
>>>> (for example, by using a select like you're using in f already). 
>>> The default select case does it: https://play.golang.org/p/jlfaXu6TZ8L
>>> Here's another way: https://play.golang.org/p/gEDef3LolAZ
>>> Matt
>>> On Friday, March 16, 2018 at 9:45:00 AM UTC-5, Sathish VJ wrote:
>>>> All the examples I've seen use some kind of ticker to run various cases 
>>>> of a select statement.  But how does one run a long running task that is 
>>>> still cancelable?  
>>>> In the example below the quit part is never reached.  
>>>> https://play.golang.org/p/PLGwrUvKaqn  (it does not run properly on 
>>>> play.golang.org).
>>>> package main
>>>> import (
>>>>  "fmt"
>>>>  "os"
>>>>  "time"
>>>> )
>>>> func f(quit chan bool) {
>>>>  for {
>>>>    select {
>>>>    case <-time.After(0 * time.Second):
>>>>      // start long running task immediately.
>>>>      for {
>>>>        time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
>>>>        fmt.Printf(". ")
>>>>      }
>>>>    case <-quit:
>>>>      fmt.Println("quit called")
>>>>      //deallocate resources in other long running task and then return 
>>>> from function.
>>>>      os.Exit(0) // or return
>>>>    }
>>>>  }
>>>> }
>>>> func main() {
>>>>  var quit chan bool
>>>>  go f(quit)
>>>>  println("quit sending ... ")
>>>>  quit <- true
>>>>  println("after quit sent")
>>>>  var i chan int
>>>>  <-i
>>>> }

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