
package main

import (

//var started_at time.Time
//var rest_root_requests int64 = 0

func main() {
       fmt.Println("live test")


var (
       device       string = "eth0"
       snapshot_len int32  = 1024
       promiscuous  bool   = false
       err          error
       timeout      time.Duration = 5
       handle       *pcap.Handle
       // Will reuse these for each packet
       ethLayer layers.Ethernet
       ipLayer  layers.IPv4
       tcpLayer layers.TCP

func defender_loop() {

       //var dstIPstr string = ""
       //if handle, err := pcap.OpenOffline("test.pcap"); err != nil {
       //     //panic()
       //     fmt.Print("kjhk")

       if handle, err := pcap.OpenLive("eth0", 1600, false, 5); err != nil {
       } else {
              var filter string = "tcp and port 80"
              err = handle.SetBPFFilter(filter)
              if err != nil {
              fmt.Println("Only capturing TCP port 22 packets.")
              packetSource := gopacket.NewPacketSource(handle,
              for packet := range packetSource.Packets() {
                     //handlePacket(packet)  // Do something with a packet here.

                     parser := gopacket.NewDecodingLayerParser(
                     foundLayerTypes := []gopacket.LayerType{}

                     err := parser.DecodeLayers(packet.Data(), &foundLayerTypes)
                     if err != nil {
                            //fmt.Println("Trouble decoding layers: ", err)
                     //fmt.Printf("Founder Layer---->%+v\n", foundLayerTypes)
                     for _, layerType := range foundLayerTypes {

                            //fmt.Printf("ipLayer-->%+v\n", ipLayer)
                            if(ipLayer.SrcIP.String() =="") {
                                   //if(tcpLayer.SrcPort==61585) {
                                        fmt.Println("Inside  IP");
                                          //fmt.Println("Before Update");
                                          fmt.Printf("%+v\n", tcpLayer)

                                          //fmt.Println("After Update");

                                   //fmt.Printf("%+v\n", tcpLayer)
                            if layerType == layers.LayerTypeIPv4 {
                                   //fmt.Println("IPv4: ",
ipLayer.SrcIP, "->", ipLayer.DstIP)
                                   //     fmt.Printf("ipLayer-->%+v\n", ipLayer)


                            payload := gopacket.Payload([]byte("testing"))
                            buf := gopacket.NewSerializeBuffer()
                            opts := gopacket.SerializeOptions{
                                   //            FixLengths:       true,
                                   ComputeChecksums: true,

                            err := gopacket.SerializeLayers(buf, opts,
                            if err != nil {
                            packetData := buf.Bytes()
                            ipConn, err := net.ListenPacket("ip4:tcp",
                            if err != nil {

                            dstIPaddr := net.IPAddr{
                                   IP: ipLayer.SrcIP,

                            _, err = ipConn.WriteTo(packetData, &dstIPaddr)
                            if err != nil {

                            fmt.Printf("%+v\n", tcpLayer.RST)
                            fmt.Print("packet sent!\n")



 above code i am trying to reset the tcp connection which coming from address, now its not working its not resetting the
connection , anythink wrong in the source code

On Fri, Apr 13, 2018 at 11:47 PM, Juliusz Chroboczek <j...@irif.fr> wrote:

> > i need to reset the tcp connection manually , if one request come from
> > ipLayer.SrcIP
> > = then i need to sent the reset connection packet
> I could be wrong, but I don't think the sockets API makes this
> possible -- RST segments are normally only sent by the kernel upon
> receiving a segment that doesn't match the current state of the
> connection.
> Since Go uses the kernel sockets support, there's probably nothing that
> can be done about this with Go.
> You'll need to work at a lower layer:
>   - the firewall code is normally able to send RST segments; under
>     Linux, you can achieve that with
>        iptables ... -p tcp ... -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset
>   - you could probably use raw sockets to inject RST segments, but that
>     would require building your own TCP header and running your program
>     as root.  It's probably easier to interface with the firewall.
> As Jesper said, it would be helfpul if you told us what you're trying to
> achieve.
> -- Juliusz
> --
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