When you have such questions, then run your code with the race 
detector. https://golang.org/doc/articles/race_detector.html

Otherwise, you are only reading from the slice, there is no racing possible.

Also, your max function looks very weird and has a small bug:

The slice calculations has bugs as well, e.g. try running with 64 

+ Egon

On Thursday, 19 April 2018 14:35:20 UTC+3, l vic wrote:
> I have a program that calculates max value in integer array by breaking 
> the array into number of slices and calculating max in every slice inside 
> of go-routine.
> Do I still need to lock/unlock each slice with mutex inside of go-routine? 
> The code seems to be working but are any apparent problems with it?
> package main
> import (
>     "fmt"
>     "os"
>     "strconv"
>     "sync"
> )
> //returns maximum number found in provided slice
> func maxInSlice(numbers []uint) (uint, error) {
>     if numbers == nil {
>         return 0, fmt.Errorf("nil  numbers")
>     }
>     var max uint = 0
>     for _, n := range numbers {
>         for _, m := range numbers {
>             if n > m {
>                 max = n
>             }
>         }
>     }
>     return max, nil
> }
> // finds  maximum  number  in  numbers  array  by   breaking  work  into  N  
> pieces
> // (where  N  is provided  as a command  line  argument)  and processing  the
> // pieces  in  parallel  goroutines func  main()
> func main() {
>     parallelism, _ := strconv.Atoi(os.Args[1])
>     fmt.Printf("ok,  i'll  use %d  goroutines\n", parallelism)
>     numbers := []uint{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13}
>     wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
>     mutex := sync.Mutex{}
>     var allMax uint = 0
>     perGoRoutine := len(numbers) / parallelism
>     fmt.Printf("perGoRoutine=%d\n", perGoRoutine)
>     for i := 0; i < parallelism; i++ {
>         wg.Add(1)
>         go func(i int) {
>             defer wg.Done()
>             fmt.Printf("==>index i = %d perGoRoutine in go func=%d\n", i, 
> perGoRoutine)
>             startIndex := perGoRoutine * i
>             endIndex := startIndex + perGoRoutine - 1
>             //include last element
>             if i == parallelism-1 {
>                 endIndex = len(numbers) - 1
>             }
>             fmt.Printf("startIndex=%d endIndex=%d\n", startIndex, endIndex)
>             sliceMax, err := maxInSlice(numbers[startIndex:endIndex])
>             mutex.Lock()
>             if err != nil {
>                 fmt.Printf("error  finding  max  for  slice  %d  to  %d, 
> skipping  this  slice:  %s\n", err)
>                 return
>             }
>             fmt.Printf("goroutine  %d  (slice  %d  to  %d)  found  max  
> %d\n", i, startIndex, endIndex, sliceMax)
>             if sliceMax > allMax {
>                 allMax = sliceMax
>             }
>             mutex.Unlock()
>         }(i)
>     }
>     wg.Wait()
>     fmt.Printf("maximum:  %d\n", allMax)
> }

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