Is any of the following set `HTTPS_PROXY', `HTTP_PROXY' ? The
DefaultTransport pays attention to those env vars to decide whether to
use a proxy or not. If that's not the case, what is the error that
you're getting ?


-js writes:

> http.Get doesn't work with default transport, but works fine if I set a 
> custom as following(uncomment the two lines)
> package main
> import (
>       "net/http"
>       "io/ioutil"
>       "fmt"
>       "log"
> )
> func main() {
>       //tr := &http.Transport{}
>       //http.DefaultClient.Transport =tr
>       res, err:= http.Get("";)
>       if err != nil {
>               log.Fatal(err)
>               return
>       }
>       defer res.Body.Close()
>       body,err:=ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
>       if err != nil {
>               log.Fatal(err)
>               return
>       }
>       fmt.Println(string(body))
> }
> There is an error with less meaning:
> Get unexpected EOF

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