> I worked for a little while on the C++ server application for the Steem 
> network node, and I was intending to remove a whole swathe of code relating 
> to protocol changes at various hard forks. The number of times I ran across 
> poorly ordered if/then (not even using switch!) that would perform 
> unnecessary comparisons in more cases than not, to me it explained the 
> ballooning amount of time that was required to play the blockchain into a 
> database shared file. 

What I’ve been saying is you should look at a performance measure to prove 
a hypothesis like this one. Removing that code may or may not work.

I think you’ve mixed optimizing the algorithm and code, and we have to look 
at one at a time to effectively reach your goal. A program that measures 
progress toward the goal (performance) is a foundation I think we can more 
seriously start from for the code part. Can you share something like this 
with us?


On Wednesday, April 25, 2018 at 4:08:17 AM UTC-5, Louki Sumirniy wrote:
> I think that it's not necessarily non-idiomatic to use closures instead of 
> interfaces in Go, it's more that Go has had interfaces longer than it's had 
> closures, and so more code has been written this way.
> In Angular 2+ you have the option of embedding HTML, CSS and TS code 
> inside one file, or instead having 4, with the main file importing the 
> other three. I don't like this for several reasons, but mainly because it 
> makes a more complex interlinking between them, and I think even you can 
> say that if your application is big enough, all this extra import work will 
> also cost a lot of time, though in Go of course that time is not so big in 
> the first place due to how efficient its compiler is.
> The way I see it is that closures and interfaces are two ways to do 
> exactly the same thing, binding namespaces together. One requires more 
> accessory declarations and lines of code, not a huge extra overhead, but 
> then for exported stuff - well, this is the one upside of it but I don't 
> think it is that great, gofmt wants to see header comments on every 
> exported function. Which is a nice idea, in theory, but in my opinion if 
> you need comments your naming scheme sucks.
> That's also why I created distinct comparators with meaningful names 
> instead of creating named return values. b.IsEqual(data, cursor) compared 
> to b.Compare(data, cursor) == EQUAL is not just a lot longer, but harder to 
> read. I think technically it may also consume more code cache space to 
> implement this extra operation, though on the other side, there is a small 
> extra overhead for having three instead of 1. The compare function has to 
> run three cases, most concisely expressed as 
>     switch{
>         case b.Store(c.index)>d: 
>             return GREATER; 
>         case b.Store(c.index)<d: 
>             return LESSER
>     }
>     return EQUAL 
> If my function only needs to know if it's equal (for example a search tree 
> walk), it's just done two comparison/branch operations for absolutely no 
> reason, and if I switch the order to benefit search, I raise the cost of 
> determining which direction to step next after no match on a node.
> I worked for a little while on the C++ server application for the Steem 
> network node, and I was intending to remove a whole swathe of code relating 
> to protocol changes at various hard forks. The number of times I ran across 
> poorly ordered if/then (not even using switch!) that would perform 
> unnecessary comparisons in more cases than not, to me it explained the 
> ballooning amount of time that was required to play the blockchain into a 
> database shared file. Literally, over a week, at that point, almost 9 
> months ago, and last I heard 270Gb of memory is required because this 
> playback takes a stupid amount of time (effectively, eternity) unless the 
> shared file is stored in a ramdisk.
> So, just to be clear, I am not using OOPish techniques because I am a 
> believer, and I don't think that convention should dictate effective 
> programming either. Closures are a more compact notation than interfaces, 
> and for me this is equally important as writing code that does not waste 
> cycles doing things for the sake of some arbitrary model that does not 
> greatly improve maintainability and readability at the cost of overhead 
> that will stack up the more this approach is used.
> Heaps have certainly got some disadvantages compared to bucket sorts and 
> reference based trees but the one thing they have is data locality. Data 
> locality can be a huge advantage because of CPU cache misses being avoided. 
> Cache memory on my i5 CPU is 14Gb/s write speed. The DDR4-2400 memory in my 
> system writes at 4Gb/s. This is linear writing, in the case of the main 
> memory, so not only does conventional binary tree architecture cause a very 
> high bandwidth load on the main memory, it also seeks the data randomly 
> which adds even more delays due to the linearity of the memory cells.
> To illustrate my point, here is a couple of articles I found relating to 
> this and how data locality has brought massive performance benefits in 
> reverse proxy servers: https://queue.acm.org/detail.cfm?id=1814327 and I 
> found this story from this stackexchange topic: 
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6531543/efficient-implementation-of-binary-heaps
> The benefit of exploiting the properties of cpu and memory caching yielded 
> a net boost of nearly 10x. I can't see how, at bare minimum, based on the 
> ratios of cache and memory write speed on my system, I won't see close to 
> or around 3x improvement compared to reference based binary trees, and 
> potentially a similar kind of improvement compared to bucket sorting (which 
> is how Cuckoo Cycle searches for cycles in hashchains). 
> I don't know anything about what actual result it will have, but I am 
> building it anyway, and I will use closures because I personally prefer the 
> notation.
> On Wednesday, 25 April 2018 10:48:28 UTC+3, rog wrote:
>> On 25 April 2018 at 08:05, Louki Sumirniy 
>> <louki.sumir...@gmail.com> wrote: 
>> > 
>> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6531543/efficient-implementation-of-binary-heaps
>> > 
>> > Pretty much what I'm working on here is this, except with left to right 
>> sort 
>> > instead of vertical. I think this guy's work will help me iron out the 
>> > performance issues. 
>> You do know that heaps aren't a great data structure for searching, 
>> right? 
>> > Another thing, that is more on topic more specifically, is that 
>> collections 
>> > of interface methods introduce a significant overhead, compared to 
>> simply 
>> > passing the pointer to the structure as a parameter. I am thinking that 
>> > maybe a way to hide this parameter passing is by using closures, which 
>> bind 
>> > in the namespace from a hypothetical initialiser function, without 
>> actually 
>> > having to specify the pointer passing across. The structure is created 
>> and 
>> > allocated by the initialising function (constructor, if you like) and 
>> > because all of the functions are declared within the namespace as 
>> closures, 
>> > the compiler implicitly passes the pointer to the struct without having 
>> to 
>> > specify it. 
>> You don't need to do this. You're still thinking in traditional OO 
>> terms. I'd suggest trying to think in a more Go like way instead. FWIW 
>> I tried to point you in a more sensible direction with this code: 
>> https://play.golang.org/p/wv0T8T8Ynns 
>> > I don't know exactly what FP paradigm says about structures and 
>> collections 
>> > of functions exactly, as prima facie it looks like OOP. But closures 
>> are a 
>> > uniquely FP mechanism, and really they are just a way to merge 
>> namespaces, 
>> > and by doing this we don't have to pass the pointer to the function 
>> > explicitly, as it is already accessible. 
>> What gives you the idea that closures are a uniquely FP mechanism? 
>>   rog. 

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