type T struct {
    a [10]int
    b [len(T{}.a)]int

could appear about as maintainably like this:

const size = 10

type T struct {
    a [size]int
    // many other fields and comments
    b [size]int

This case doesn’t justify more complexity to me.


On Wednesday, May 9, 2018 at 1:00:34 PM UTC-5, gri wrote:
> PS: Here's an example where we (humans) can obviously compute the size of 
> a type, yet neither cmd/compile, gccgo, nor go/types have any success in 
> doing so:
> type T struct {
> a [10]int
> b [len(T{}.a)]int
> }
> The problem is that all implementations have an "eager" (depth-first) 
> approach somewhere leading to requiring all of T to be set up before we can 
> determine the size of T.a. Specifically, when determining the size of T.b 
> we must be careful to not look at the size of T (which is in the process of 
> being determined), and only at the size of T.a (which we can obviously 
> tell). Furthermore, we must use an algorithm that computes the size of T.a 
> "on demand", not in the order as the fields appear (otherwise it wouldn't 
> work if b was before a). And so forth. All these things make size 
> computation more complicated and expensive. That question is: Is it worth 
> the extra cost? Or are these cases esoteric and don't show up in real code? 
> And if we use simpler algorithms, is there an easy way to describe which 
> types are accepted and which aren't?
> On Wed, May 9, 2018 at 10:00 AM Robert Griesemer <g...@golang.org 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> This sounds all good.
>> I am not disputing at all what you are saying, but a) the spec doesn't 
>> actually state any of this explicitly; and b) I agree that size computation 
>> is straight-forward once a type data structure is all constructed. The 
>> caveat is the 2nd part of this sentence: We're not doing always a correct 
>> job of setting up a type completely before it's used. Hence we have issues 
>> like #25305. The compiler does a better job than go/types most of the time; 
>> but sometimes it's the other way around.
>> I think we also have been hesitant to simply disallow "cyclical types" 
>> (per your definition of cyclical) in the spec because we (or at least I) 
>> don't have a good understanding that our code actually detects exactly 
>> those. We have plenty of examples of code where we could determine the 
>> type's size but we still exclude the type. For instance
>> type T = *T
>> T has clearly the size of a pointer, yet we disallow (in the compiler) 
>> such types. In this case it's by design (of the type alias proposal), but 
>> it would be nice if we could relax it. But I'm not sure we (or I) 
>> understand all the consequences fully, quite yet. And I think we have other 
>> situations (not involving alias types) where we run into problems, even 
>> though we can compute the type's size.
>> (FWIW, I don't think everybody equates "cyclic type" with "type size is 
>> not computable". People tend to use "cyclic" and "recursive" 
>> interchangeably for types. I was definitively using "cyclic" as "recursive" 
>> in #25305).
>> More generally, I think it would be great if we could state exactly what 
>> you said in the spec:
>> 1) Types for which their sizes cannot be computed (see 2) are invalid.
>> 2) The size of a type is computable if ... (and then we give essentially 
>> the rules you outlined already).
>> As said above, 2) requires all involved types to be set up sufficiently 
>> such that we can determine the relevant size information. Sometimes that's 
>> not the case. Hence my comment in the issue #25305.
>> Finally, I agree that there shouldn't be a difference between cycle 
>> detection by a human and a computer. But the problem is that the computer 
>> may be using an algorithm that may be conservative, or incorrect, or not 
>> very general (for the sake of speed in the common case).
>> On Wed, May 9, 2018 at 1:21 AM Jan Mercl <0xj...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
>> wrote:
>>> Robert Griesemer wrote in 
>>> https://github.com/golang/go/issues/25305#issuecomment-387624488 at May 
>>> 9th:
>>> I'm probably using incorrect assumptions. Let me summarize them here:
>>> 1) A type is cyclical iff its size is not computable.
>>> I'm really not sure if this is what the specification really means. If 
>>> not then I wonder why not, because
>>> 2) Determining computability of the size of a type is trivial (wrt "we 
>>> go through great lengths to detect such cycles").
>>> AFAICT, there are two classes of types.
>>> In the first (scalar) class the size of T is a constant fully determined 
>>> by the kind of T: bool, integers, real and complex types, slices, 
>>> interfaces, pointers, maps, channels, functions. (The last three being just 
>>> a special case of a pointer.)
>>> In the second (non-scalar) class a type T has size dependent 
>>> (transitively) on other types (T_1, ... T_n), possibly including T itself. 
>>> Scalar T_i brings no problem in computing the size of T.
>>> For non-scalar T_i, all we need is a sentinel provided by knowing if the 
>>> size of a type is a) not yet determined, b) being determined, c) 
>>> determined/valid. When the size of T is needed, but not yet determined, 
>>> it's first marked as "being determined". If, during computation of the size 
>>> of T, we run into the sentinel, ie. we need to know the size of T_i marked 
>>> "size being determined", we have proved the size of T is not computable. 
>>> Otherwise the size of T is computed, stored and T is marked as "size 
>>> determined/valid".
>>> Wrt "even if they are "obviously" not cyclic to a human reader."
>>> I think there's no difference between cyclic type determined by a 
>>> program or by a human reader except for a bit higher error rate in the 
>>> later case ;-)
>>> -- 
>>> -j
>>> -- 
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