> Legalese that OP tried to ridicule (imo) says otherwise. They can be sued 
> but they can not lose, even if they intentionally would put a `rm -rf /` 
> in 
> the code. 

I mentioned email addresses being stolen, but I’m more concerned about 
things like somebody thinking they can use GCC and a regular Dell desktop 
computer to coordinate real trains. Go/GCC don’t have to make misuse 
possibly worse.


On Monday, May 14, 2018 at 3:54:08 AM UTC-5, ohir wrote:
> On Sun, 13 May 2018 22:28:02 -0500 
> Pete Wilson <pe...@kivadesigngroupe.com <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > All this is true. 
> > But I expect that one of these fine days, someone sueable is going to 
> ship 
> > software with a serious bug, and are going to get sued and lose 
> > get sued and lose 
> Legalese that OP tried to ridicule (imo) says otherwise. They can be sued 
> but they can not lose, even if they intentionally would put a `rm -rf /` 
> in 
> the code. 
> In the law domain: 
> (i) words, sentences, punctuation even -- have much stricter meaning. Not 
> necessarily the same as popular one. Sometimes particular wording has 
> meaning to the contrary of what layman may understand. 
> (ii) Text written in proper legalese has real life effects. Often 
> immediate 
> ones -- as with widely approved Open Source licenses. 
> FYI that enumerated cases in the license disclaimer part stem from past 
> litigation where someone litigated and won on given case. 
> See: [1] "Hojgaard v EON" for most recent example. 
> Disclaimer: always hire a lawyer to read any legalese for you. However 
> expensive it could be, it might be way cheaper than future effects of your 
> own understanding of what you read ;). I am not a lawyer of course :). 
> [1] https://www.supremecourt.uk/cases/uksc-2015-0115.html 
> -- 
> Wojciech S. Czarnecki 
>  << ^oo^ >> OHIR-RIPE 

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