Did you try something like this? What errors did you get?

type Event interface {

type EventImpl struct {



On Thu, Aug 30, 2018 at 10:57 AM Eric Raymond <e...@thyrsus.com> wrote:
> I apologize if this seems like an elementary question, but web searches and 
> reading the Go documentation is not turning up an answer.
> I'm in the process of translating reposurgeon, an editor for version-control 
> histories, from Python into Go for improved performance, .The central data 
> structure is Repository, which consists mainly of a list of events such as 
> commits and tags.  In Python, I use the language's late binding and simply 
> declare a list of containing multiple object types named Commit, Tag, etc.  
> There are also a number of lookup maps pointing at objects in the main event 
> list.  Because objects in Pytron are passed by reference everything is fairly 
> straightforward.
> I'm trying to translate this to Go in a type-safe way. To do this, I need to 
> be able to write two declarations: "Slice of pointers to objects satisfying 
> the Event interface" and "map of string keys to pointers to objects 
> satisfying the Event interface".  My attempts so far have yielded very 
> cryptic error messages and no success.
> Is it actually possible to restrict the main list's polymorphism in this way 
> and avoid casts?
> --
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