Some time ago, after going through a very similar design (really, even had 
the catch clause in there), I have arrived at a more generalized version of 
it. That contemplation (still available 
at ) was very much 
unaccepted here.

Well, I actually do not remember if it was posted here or in golang-dev.

On Wednesday, August 29, 2018 at 5:16:42 PM UTC-5, Liam wrote:
> Re the Go2 Error Handling proposal
> I have posted this feedback
> Which contains an alternate handler concept. Please let me know if you 
> think this merits its own issue.
> A *flag identifier *indicates errors of various types. This also allows 
> chaining of handlers with the same flag name. There are options for the #flag 
> syntax, e.g. flag!, $flag, @flag, etc.
> func f() {
>    v, #ret := returnIfError()   // #ret can be any type; any non-zero value 
> for it triggers its catch
>    v, #fat := fatalIfError()    // #ret, etc are (probably) not local 
> variables
>    v, #wrt := writeOnError()
>    if v != nice { // new scope
>       #fat = MyError{msg:"!nice", ...}
>       catch fat error { debug.PrintStack() }      // no return/exit; chained 
> with next catch fat
>    }
>    #packageFlag = anotherError() // invokes package-level handler
>    catch ret error { return ret }                 // if type is error, type 
> name could be optional
>    catch fat error { log.Fatal(fat) }
>    catch wrt error { con.Write(...); return nil } // return/exit required in 
> last handler on chain
> }
> catch packageFlag error { ... } // package-level handler; packageFlag is not 
> a package variable

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