On Wednesday, 5 September 2018 01:57:33 UTC+2, Pablo Rozas Larraondo wrote:
> If I understand it correctly we could say then that Go's runtime has 
> things in common with a VM's runtime (I'm thinking mostly in Java's) such 
> as GC, goroutine (thread) scheduling, etc. However, Go's runtime cannot be 
> considered a VM because it does not compile code to an intermediate 
> language, it executes compiled native code instead.

But then one could argue that Go's runtime has things in
common with the operating system such as memory
management and goroutine/thread scheduling, etc.

I probably would explain what the runtime does and why it
does these things. Then explain that these things are
important and that lots of other things provide the same
services, e.g. the kernel or a virtual machine because these
are common hard problems. Lions and and jellyfish both
hunt because they need food but explaining lions in terms
of jellyfish (or the other way around) is probably not helpful
(especially as most students do not have deep understanding
of a lion's or Java VM's internals.)



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