On Sunday, 9 September 2018 11:49:12 UTC+2, alan...@gmail.com wrote:
> [ ... ]
> I'm not even sure that it would help all that much with the Go 2 generics 
> design as there are some aspects even with the use of operators for the 
> built-ins which are difficult or tedious to express in any generic 
> constraint system.

But that's the crux of the matter, of course: the cart here is "generics" 
and the horse is "numeric operators". It is hard to separate overloading 
from polymorphism, assuming a restricted version of polymorphism, where the 
type-free signature is the same, only certain aspects of the argument types 
are allowed to vary, usually in some sort of synchrony, where applicable.

The fact is that the Go developers chose to disallow user-defined 
restricted polymorphism: defined "intrinsic" use in instances where it 
would just be too painful not to allow it ("+" for string concatenation, 
for example, which has no unary equivalent, to my knowledge; also len(), 
but not min(), that type of thing) and the exceptions so made now want to 
burst out of that box for good or for bad.

One way or another, compromises will be needed to add some polymorphism to 
the language, the question is whether we adopt an early proposal and, in my 
opinion, whether adopting such a proposal becomes a commitment that may be 
regretted later, if or when somebody comes up with a brilliant and elegant 
suggestion. Personally, I would prefer to wait, but I'm sure I'm in the 
majority that accepts the need to show potential adopters that Go is not 
"closed" to conventional ideas (that's called "politics", in my book).

I don't think I will adopt an early proposal, I think we still don't quite 
comprehend the possible consequences. But then I refuse to use ++ in my 
code (I use += 1, instead), so my views may be too extreme. I do 
want (a) to contribute to the design of an early proposal, in the hope of 
speeding the arrival of the real thing and (b) to encourage any such design 
so we can better judge its import by deploying it in the wild and watching 
its effect. Nothing should block this process, no matter how many 
deviations might need to be introduced.


PS: I'm beginning to think, though, that selecting types by some unique 
operator that the one has and the other doesn't was not the original 
intention of (Ian's?) proposal, as Ian himself is at pain to suggest, 
perhaps only indirectly. But to a large extent, that is what the proposal 
has at its essence and that may be an absolutely terrible idea. Go 
interfaces are so defined, indeed, but whereas I can't easily identify it 
or describe it, I know there is an essential difference and therein I think 
we need to seek the answer. The more I think about it, the more I believe 
Ian needs to get his exact vision across: right now, we all seem to 
concentrate on what we don't want out of the proposal, thus overlooking the 
merits that perhaps Ian alone sees clearly enough.

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