Hi Scott, 

Great, it looks like you ran your own test too. 

(We had both posted at approximately the same time a few minutes ago).


On Sunday, September 16, 2018 at 4:05:16 PM UTC-4, thepud...@gmail.com 
> Hi Scott,
> Regarding your question about pre-release tags and 'go get -u', my 
> understanding is that when the documentation says:
>     'The -u flag instructs get to update dependencies to use newer minor 
> or patch releases when available.'
> ...the use of the phrase 'newer minor or patch release' is exclusive of 
> prelease tags (e.g., 'v1.2.3-alpha1').
> My understanding here is based on the documentation, what I've read 
> elsewhere, and my experience so far.
> There are some similar sentiments expressed elsewhere in the 
> documentation, such as in the "Module-aware go get" section:
>     'For each named package or package pattern, get must decide which 
> version of the corresponding module to use. By default, get chooses the 
> latest tagged release version, such as v0.4.5 or v1.2.3. If there are no 
> tagged release versions, get chooses the latest tagged prerelease version, 
> such as v0.0.1-pre1. If there are no tagged versions at all, get chooses 
> the latest known commit.'
> Or in the "Module queries" section:
>     'All queries prefer release versions to pre-release versions. For 
> example, "<v1.2.3" will prefer to return "v1.2.2" instead of "v1.2.3-pre1", 
> even though "v1.2.3-pre1" is nearer to the comparison target.'
> All that said, as I mentioned before, I think we are all still learning...
> --thepudds
> On Sunday, September 16, 2018 at 12:33:17 PM UTC-4, Scott Cotton wrote:
>> Thanks again @thepudds for the helpful info.  
>> with module aware go get -u at tip on golang.org, it says
>> """
>> The -u flag instructs get to update dependencies to use newer minor or 
>> patch releases when available. Continuing the previous example, 'go get -u 
>> A' will use the latest A with B v1.3.1 (not B v1.2.3).
>> """
>> For example, if I have a requirements for M vQ.R.S and the latest 
>> available minor or patch release is 
>> M vQ.R.{S+1}-alpha.1, with nothing else after vQ.R.S available.
>> Then does go get -u in module aware mode update to the alpha?  If so, 
>> should it?  (I would think not, 
>> but reading the docs I would think it would update to the alpha)
>> Scott
>> On 16 September 2018 at 16:44, <thepud...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Scott,
>>> Modules do provide support for semver pre-release notation. You can read 
>>> more about it in these sections of the documentation, for example:
>>>   https://tip.golang.org/cmd/go/#hdr-Module_queries
>>>   https://tip.golang.org/cmd/go/#hdr-Pseudo_versions
>>>   https://tip.golang.org/cmd/go/#hdr-Module_aware_go_get
>>> --thepudds
>>> On Sunday, September 16, 2018 at 10:31:43 AM UTC-4, Scott Cotton wrote:
>>>> Thanks Sameer,
>>>> I have a question about semver and modules, perhaps it was already 
>>>> answered somewhere, but if so I don't know where.
>>>> The question is: semver.org allows for pre-release notation, the 
>>>> document below does not mention pre-release.
>>>> To some extent Go uses pre-releases.
>>>> I, for one, find the idea useful and would like to use pre-release info 
>>>> with modules.
>>>> So can anyone comment, inform, or provide a pointer to some 
>>>> documentation about pre-releases as they relate to modules?
>>>> Best,
>>>> Scott
>>>> On 15 September 2018 at 22:11, Sameer Ajmani <sam...@golang.org> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks. The relationship between semantic versioning and Go packages 
>>>>> is described in detail here: https://research.swtch.com/vgo-import
>>>>> On Sat, Sep 15, 2018 at 3:52 PM <thepud...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> One additional set of brief comments.
>>>>>> This was a fairly nuanced and long thread, and I'm pretty sure I did 
>>>>>> not follow all of it, but I think a question related to the conversation 
>>>>>> here is -- what does 'require foo v1.1.1' really mean?
>>>>>> Perhaps one way to think about that usage of the verb 'require' is 
>>>>>> that it really needs to be read in the context of semantic versioning (
>>>>>> https://semver.org).
>>>>>> If something states it requires v1.1.1 of foo, in the context of 
>>>>>> semantic versioning that really means that particular requirement for 
>>>>>> v1.1.1 would be satisfied by foo >= v1.1.1 and < v2, given semver 
>>>>>> defines 
>>>>>> versions in that interval to be valid and backwards compatible 
>>>>>> substitutions for v1.1.1 (and anything v2 or higher is considered 
>>>>>> incompatible with any v1 version).
>>>>>> And a variation of that first question is -- what does it mean for a 
>>>>>> build if you have both a 'require foo v1.1.1' and a 'require foo v1.2.2'?
>>>>>> One initial guess might be that the build ends up with two copies of 
>>>>>> foo (v1.1.1 and v1.2.2) given there are two 'require' statements with 
>>>>>> those 
>>>>>> two different versions. That is a reasonable guess, but not actually 
>>>>>> what 
>>>>>> happens.
>>>>>> If you instead read that verb 'require' in the context of semantic 
>>>>>> versioning, it means that if the build instead picks a _single_ copy of 
>>>>>> foo 
>>>>>> at version v1.2.2, that actually would satisfy _both_ of the 
>>>>>> requirements 
>>>>>> for v1.1.1 and v1.2.2 (given v1.2.2 is defined by semver to be a 
>>>>>> backwards 
>>>>>> compatible substitution for v1.1.1).  And of course, this is what the go 
>>>>>> build system actually would do in this scenario.
>>>>>> Said another way, when you use modules, the go command _mandates_ 
>>>>>> that modules use semantic versioning and expects that the versions 
>>>>>> accurately describe compatibility: it assumes that v1.2.2 is a backwards 
>>>>>> compatible replacement for v1.1.1, and hence v1.2.2 is a valid answer if 
>>>>>> you have both 'require foo v1.1.1' and a 'require foo v1.2.2'.
>>>>>> In any event, this is all still fairly new, and everyone is still 
>>>>>> learning about the overall system. (The broader community is of course 
>>>>>> learning about the new system, but even the people who implemented this 
>>>>>> system are in a learning phase, including because they are learning 
>>>>>> about 
>>>>>> how the community will use the new system). 
>>>>>> --thepudds
>>>>>> On Saturday, September 15, 2018 at 1:11:49 PM UTC-4, Scott Cotton 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Thanks!  Very useful.
>>>>>>> +1 for aliasing "go mod list" to "go list -m"
>>>>>>> On 15 September 2018 at 18:59, <thepud...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>    > "Maybe having a way for "go mod" to output what is used would be 
>>>>>>>> less confusing?"
>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>> To see a list of the selected module versions, one way is to use 
>>>>>>>> use 'go list -m all'.  This shows the actual versions used based on 
>>>>>>>> all of 
>>>>>>>> the various requirements in a build.  Sample output:
>>>>>>>>    $ go list -m all
>>>>>>>>    example.com/my/module
>>>>>>>>    github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.15.35
>>>>>>>>    github.com/go-ini/ini v1.25.4
>>>>>>>> Another other useful tool is for inspecting requirements is 'go mod 
>>>>>>>> graph' (which prints the module requirement graph), and if you are 
>>>>>>>> curious 
>>>>>>>> why a particular module is showing up in your go.mod, you can run 'go 
>>>>>>>> mod 
>>>>>>>> why -m <module>' to answer that question. 
>>>>>>>> You can read some more about these here:
>>>>>>>> https://tip.golang.org/cmd/go/#hdr-The_main_module_and_the_build_list
>>>>>>>> https://tip.golang.org/cmd/go/#hdr-Explain_why_packages_or_modules_are_needed
>>>>>>>> https://tip.golang.org/cmd/go/#hdr-Print_module_requirement_graph
>>>>>>>> The first link above also provides a short description of the build 
>>>>>>>> list, which is related to several of the questions raised in this 
>>>>>>>> thread:
>>>>>>>>    ----------------
>>>>>>>>    "The set of modules providing packages to builds is called the 
>>>>>>>> "build list". The build list initially contains only the main module. 
>>>>>>>> Then 
>>>>>>>> the go command adds to the list the exact module versions required by 
>>>>>>>> modules already on the list, recursively, until there is nothing left 
>>>>>>>> to 
>>>>>>>> add to the list. If multiple versions of a particular module are added 
>>>>>>>> to 
>>>>>>>> the list, then at the end only the latest version (according to 
>>>>>>>> semantic 
>>>>>>>> version ordering) is kept for use in the build."
>>>>>>>>    ----------------
>>>>>>>> --thepudds
>>>>>>>> On Saturday, September 15, 2018 at 6:34:55 AM UTC-4, Scott Cotton 
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the clarification.
>>>>>>>>> Maybe having a way for "go mod" to output what is used would be 
>>>>>>>>> less confusing?  I would have found so at least.
>>>>>>>>> Cycles crossing major versions may be more problematic. 
>>>>>>>>> similarly in the case of  coordinating a collection of modules, 
>>>>>>>>> dependency cycles may lead unintentionally to different used versions
>>>>>>>>> depending on the build context.  While the potential use of 
>>>>>>>>> multiple versions is a useful feature of modules, I am not convinced 
>>>>>>>>> that in this context it is desirable.  Also, if cycles can span 
>>>>>>>>> arbitrarily large sets of uncoordinated modules, then it seems to me 
>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>> is not the intended use case for cycles and that might be 
>>>>>>>>> undesirable or even lead to the inability of a module maintainer in 
>>>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>>>> cycle
>>>>>>>>> to effectively propagate an update.
>>>>>>>>> If I come across anything more concrete, I'll file an issue.  Just 
>>>>>>>>> food for thought at this point.
>>>>>>>>> Best
>>>>>>>>> Scott 

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