Hey there!

I don't know much about jfrog, but was curious to delve into the enterprise 
proxies topic. It seems that you're supposed to use jfrog's own 
jfrog-cli [1] to work with the artifactory. I believe the CLI simply set a 
proper value to GOPROXY to URL, that supports gomod proxy protocol API [2]. 

Check if your artifactory responses with the list from 
"http://stg-repo.com/api/go/<repo>/@v/list". Note, "/api/go/" prefix is 
seems what jfrog-cli uses [3].

[1]: https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/RTF/Go+Registry
[2]: https://tip.golang.org/cmd/go/#hdr-Module_proxy_protocol

On Monday, October 8, 2018 at 10:55:41 PM UTC+2, ppras...@splunk.com wrote:
> I have built and published the go dependencies to our enterprise 
> artifactory.
> Is there an efficient way to get the files from artifactory and use them 
> in test runs?
> My dependencies are in jfrog artifactory.
> They appear like the following:
>    go-local/github.com/davecgh/go-spew/@v/v1.1.1.zip
>    go-local/github.com/davecgh/go-spew/@v/v1.1.1.mod
> How should I resolve them when I run my tests?
> When I set GOPROXY =“value” and tried,
> go get github.com/Masterminds/semver
> go get github.com/Masterminds/semver: unexpected status 
> (http://stg-repo.com/artifactory/github.com/%21masterminds/semver/@v/list): 
> 404 Not Found
> How can I go get the pkg from enterprise proxy and execute my tests?
> As a temporary hack I am doing:
> Then following
> cd **$** {TESTDIR}/src
> curl -O http://stg-repo.com/artifactory/ **$** {pkg}
> FIELDS=( **$** (echo **$** {pkg} | awk **'{split($0, arr, /[\/:]*/); for (x 
> in arr) { print arr[x] }}'** ))
> INDEX=( **$** (echo **$** {FIELDS[@]/@v//} | cut -d/ -f1 | wc -w | tr -d **' 
> '** ))
> FILE= **$** {FIELDS[ **$** {POST_INDEX}]}
> unzip **$** {FILE}
> FILE= **$** (echo **$** {FILE} | sed -e s/^ **$** {go_local}// -e s/ **$** 
> {zip}//)
> SOURCE= **$** (find **$** {TESTDIR}/src -name **$** {FIELDS[ **$** 
> {PREV_INDEX}]}@ **$** {FILE})
> DIR= **$** (dirname $SOURCE)
> mv $SOURCE **$** {DIR}/ **$** {FIELDS[ **$** {PREV_INDEX}]}
> rm -rf **$** {FILE}.zip
> Please let me know the correct way of doing it.

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