On Tue, 16 Oct 2018 08:39:32 -0700 (PDT)
Eric Raymond <e...@thyrsus.com> wrote:

> New rule: A function on variables of undefined formal-argument types 
> compiles to a template (not a textual template - we don't want identifier 
> capture).  At each callsite of the function, the undefined types in the 
> formals are bound to the types of the arguments in the call. If every 
> operation in the resulting code is defined, the code compiles as if the 
> generic function had been written with the actual argument types at the 
> callsite.  If not, the compiler throws an error on each undefined 
> operation. 

Sounds like implementation sketch of my CGG proposal at 

I am happy to see another soul that see there is no need for filling
type parameters at call site.

> Call me crazy, but I think we just got parametric polymorphism 
> with zero additional complexity load on the rest of the language.

I am eager to see one of CGG critics explaining to you that it is not
"because it is not how it is done in Java". ;)

> As the meme goes, "Prove me wrong".  If nobody does, we now have both 
> parametric polymorphism and a complementary contract system at the cost of 
> one (1) new keyword and (1) interaction with the rest of the design - 
> overloading pointer types has to be forbidden in order not to break ==. . 

Anyway, "Implements" is a form of contract. As much as CGG's "for type".
Ah, and CGG has one less new keyword ;) But I like your approach.
Right after mine's.


Wojciech S. Czarnecki
 << ^oo^ >> OHIR-RIPE

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