I just tried this Google Playground recipe from Bradfritz:


(seen via https://github.com/golang/go/issues/21095)

and noted that y appears in the output but x appears as <nil>.

Can someone explain me why ? I was expecting that x appears in the same way 
like y.

package main

import (

var a, b int

func main() {
type S struct {
x int16
y float64
z interface{}
p *int
m := map[S]string{}
m[S{1, math.NaN(), "foo", &a}] = "x"
m[S{2, 3.0, &a, &b}] = "y"
for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", m)


map[{x:2 y:3 z:0x1b5400 p:0x1b5404}:y {x:1 y:NaN z:foo p:0x1b5400}:<nil>]
map[{x:1 y:NaN z:foo p:0x1b5400}:<nil> {x:2 y:3 z:0x1b5400 p:0x1b5404}:y]

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