The Go 2 draft generics draft has been discussed a lot,
especially contracts have drawn a lot of attention and
other ways to limit the set of possible type were suggested.

Most discussions orbited around very basic polymorphic
functions like polymorphic Min or a Map functions. I do consider
a polymorphic Min function to be nothing more than a
litmus test to generics: If a generic/polymorphic Min cannot
be written the proposal is insufficient. But I probably would
never write a polymorphic Min as a type specific Min is
3 lines and basically impossible to get wrong and just because
Min looks nice under a proposal does not mean that the
proposed solution will lead to good code where generic or
polymorphic code would actually be beneficial: For complicated
data structures and algorithms.

At least the original proposal mentions a generic Graph
data structure. Still without showing how e.g. DFS, BFS,
Shortest Paths would be a) implemented and b) used.

I think it would be good if we could see how different proposals
(and especially the official one) would affect how generic code
is written and used. Especially code which is hard to get right
and really benefits from a "generic" implementation.

I'd like to see generic/polymorphic:
 - Image manipulation (scaling, convolution, etc.) for various color models
 - Balanced trees (AVL or Red-Black)
 - Matrices of bool, int, float32/64, complex with inversion, 
LR-decomposition, eigenvalues
 - Fast Fourier Transformation (with ints, float32/64, complex64/128 and my 
float24 inputs)
 - Graph algorithms (DFS, BFS, Dijkstra, Bellman-Ford, Floyd-Warshall)
(feel free to add stuff from your field here).

How would a package graph with a generic Graph data structure
and accompanying algorithms look like? How would I use such
a generic algorithm with nodes of my own type?

How would I be using a generic 2d FFT package when my inputs
is complex128 and how if inputs are float32?

I think that answers to these questions would be much more
helpful in evaluating generics than the current focus on the
syntax of Min and whether contracts can be done trough interfaces.

Let's start with Dijkstra and the Graph example of the
original proposal: How would the implementation look like
and how would my code use this implementation?


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