On Sunday, 28 October 2018 15:31:54 UTC+1, Robert Engels wrote:
> To clarify, think of the performance improvements in the GC in Go from 1.1 
> to 1.11. Amazing. But you only get these via recompiling which is a 
> barrier. Many java installations frequently get performance improvements 
> with no code changes or recompilation. This is why I’ve been investigating 
> packaging Go binaries with dynamic linkage to the runtime and stdlib. 

In what sense are you or have you been investigating?

The things I see which are blockers to this are
1.  The compiler/runtime are intimately linked, and free to evolve over 
time.  So the runtime API to the compiled code isn't even fixed in a way 
that dynamic-linking would work across versions.
2. The runtime itself manages stacks, so there would need to be some 
assumptions about operating context when it could be linked.  For example, 
if it were linked while the stack is high/deep, then where would the 
runtime put the stack?  where would the runtime system stack be placed?

It's very different than applying a runtime to byte code.


> Sent from my iPhone 
> > On Oct 28, 2018, at 9:23 AM, Robert Engels <ren...@ix.netcom.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > 
> > Cool. Not sure why the JVM is not applicable to the discussion as it 
> normally ensures binary compatibility as languages evolve. 
> > 
> > Sent from my iPhone 
> > 
> >>> On Oct 28, 2018, at 9:16 AM, Gerald Henriksen <ghen...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote: 
> >>> 
> >>> On Sat, 27 Oct 2018 14:33:32 -0500, you wrote: 
> >>> 
> >>> What exactly are you referring to? I wasn’t aware of Android no longer 
> being Java. 
> >> 
> >> At Google I/O 2017 the Android team announced that Kotlin would be 
> >> supported as a first class language along with Java, including full 
> >> support in Android Studio. 
> >> 
> >> While Android will likely never get rid of its Java base, developers 
> >> have been switching to Kotlin due to the advantages it offers over 
> >> Java.  Kotlin offers cleaner, easier to understand code without all 
> >> the verbosity that Java forces. 
> >> 
> >>> But also when I say java am referring to the JVM technology as well, 
> so add in all of the JVM languages and it’s even more lopsided. 
> >> 
> >> The JVM is not relevant to a discussion about languages. 
> >> 
> >> -- 
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> > 
> > -- 
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