I thought of a way to do something similar to the “implements” proposal without 
introducing operator overloading: turn it around. Instead of letting methods 
implement operators, we could let operators implement methods.

type Lesser(type T) interface {
        Less(b T) bool for(<)

This interface would be implemented by any type that has an appropriate Less 
method, and by any type that works with the < operator. For example int would 
implement Lesser(int).

It would be nice if we could get rid of the type parameter. One way would be to 
adopt the Self type from Rust:

type Lesser interface {
        Less(b Self) bool for (<)

For types implementing the interface, Self would be replaced by the 
implementing type:

type vehicle struct {
        weight float64
        horsepower float64

func (v vehicle) Less(b vehicle) bool {
        return v.weight < b.weight

For code using the interface, Self would be replaced by the interface type; it 
would be as though Lesser had been declared as

type Lesser interface {
        Less(b Lesser) bool

But if a mis-matched type was passed to Less, it would need to panic. So this 
option (using the Self type) would somewhat reduce compile-time type safety.


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