On Friday, December 21, 2018 at 10:44:36 PM UTC+1, matthew...@gmail.com 
> (...) Does anyone know of a way that I can do this, or if I can get 
> godoc to let me view my packages that are module aware?

The solution I came up with is to have a bash script like this in my 

mkdir -p /tmp/tmpgoroot/doc
rm -rf /tmp/tmpgopath/src/github.com/username/packagename
mkdir -p /tmp/tmpgopath/src/github.com/username/packagename
tar -c --exclude='.git' --exclude='tmp' . | tar -x -C /tmp/tmpgopath/src/
echo -e "open http://localhost:6060/pkg/github.com/username/packagename\n";
GOROOT=/tmp/tmpgoroot/ GOPATH=/tmp/tmpgopath/ godoc -http=localhost:6060


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