Hello Gophers,

Some time ago, I started the go-formal github organisation as a place for 
formal analysis tools in and for Go.

I am looking for a volunteer to take over ownership of the github 
organisation go-formal as I will be unable to that role starting 
in the coming weeks.

The administrative overhead of this role is so far quite minimal while I 
think it's a very good thing to have a place for such tools 
in Go.

As a reminder to those who might be wondering "formal analysis tools" is 
somewhat open ended in scope but to the current maintainer refers to tools 
the likes of which can be found in many conference tool papers such as CAV, 
FMCAD, POPL, etc, as well as many other languages (CBMC, ...)  which 
involve formal logic.

Some ideas came to mind for  folks who might be interested in becoming the 
github go-formal owner (in no particular order):
1. Alan Donavan of the golang analysis packages.
2. GopherSat authors.
3. Others who have worked on formal projects in Go but less visibly.
4. go-critic and staticcheck.io authors.

Please do feel free to contact me off-line or here on go-nuts for details.


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