
On Friday, 25 January 2019 08:53:13 UTC+1, Daniel Skinner wrote:
> This will probably sound stupid, but I think it's important; I recently 
> tried to install a util I had written in Go that depended on a third party 
> library and the install simply didn't work. Maybe it's a failure of 
> remembering how to migrate to go.mod files and that's my bad b/c i have 
> years of experience not dealing with things that haven't existed, but I 
> also have been low activity on the latest Go developments but still expect 
> things to simply work which is how I interpreted the Go1 promise, words 
> aside even of said "contract".
> The util in question is simply dasa.cc/x/cmd/droidscale; you can't go get 
> this right now b/c of other extrenuating circumstances but that has no 
> bearing on the issue at hand, which is I simply didn't know how to install 
> my own utility that's been around for Go1 and I don't even know why.
> I have moved code out of GOPATH and I've been following a fairly long-time 
> convention of "cmd" directories in a repo, but I can't install my Go1 cmd 
> utility. It's a lame failure that could probably be fixed with more reading 
> but the reason I got sucked into Go was for "reading once", "sort-of".
> So I'm mildly disappointed. I'm sure someone will be like "do this" and 
> it'll work but what I'm really trying to say is that for people that have 
> been here a while, the tooling should always do what we've learned as much 
> as possible, please?

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