On Wed, 30 Jan 2019 at 20:07, 'Bryan Mills' via golang-nuts <
golang-nuts@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> The code to sequence the results using a channel is not much more verbose.
> That not only avoids the library dependency, but also makes the peak
> memory consumption for the results O(runtime.NumCPU()), instead of O(N)
> with the number of tasks, and allows the output to be streamed instead of
> buffered to a slice.
> https://play.golang.org/p/zkBjxlcvESe

Nice! In practice though, I've usually found that I do want to keep the
results around or I don't care about the order at all, so the parallel
package works OK.

I'd point out one down side to the sequencing approach - one very slow work
item can block the others. For example, NProc is 4, the first item takes
200 milliseconds to process and all the others take 1 millisecond, then the
first 4 workers have started, none more will be started until the first
has, so the overall time will be quite a bit longer (249ms) than if they
were all allowed to proceed irrespective of order (200ms).

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