2019. március 1., péntek 17:13:28 UTC+1 időpontban Jason E. Aten a 
következőt írta:
> If I include a chunk of assembly .s code in my Go code, does my program 
> pay the CGO transition cost of locking and changing to a C stack?
> I'm pretty sure the answer is no. But my knowledge of the Go internals is 
> low enough that I thought I would like confirm that before I go pulling in 
> .s code.
> Then for numerical work, if I need to call some Fortran 90 compiled 
> library routines, does it not just look like assembly? I suppose not... in 
> the sense that it makes certain assumptions about being able to grow the 
> stack it is running on without running out of space. Are there assumptions 
> beyond the stack that are used? Probably some "standard library" runtime 
> dependencies? 
> So on to my central question: Can the CGO transition stack switching cost 
> be minimized by telling Go to run my main (single threaded) Go routine on a 
> C thread to start with?  In other words, can I minimize the CGO switching 
> cost by doing runtime.LockOSThread() or similar?
> It seems like if we are already on a C thread, then perhaps *some large 
> part* of the cost of Go -> f90 can be avoided. Of course the Go compiler 
> doesn't know we are on a C thread in the general case, right(?), so it 
> probably can't optimize those transitions by omitting change-the-stack code.
> Returning to the original throught about .s code, what would happen if 
> that code tried to grow the stack too far?  Just crash? Is there guidance 
> about how far assembly can grow the stack before it needs to check back 
> with the runtime?
> Thanks!
> J

AFAIK asm parts are compiled into the binary, and no overhead is paid.

For cgo, it is not just stack growth, but the differences between C and Go 
calling convention, the "ABI".
So LockOSThread may help, but won't eliminate all the overhead. 

Do you really have to pay that overhead a lot of times? Can't you batch the 

Tamás Gulácsi

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