Now for some benchmarks. I wrote a simple benchmark program that compares my 
pure Go brotli package with cbrotli (the cgo wrapper in the standard brotli 
repo) and with compress/gzip. Here are the results for compressing Newton’s 
Opticks (from the testdata directory of the Go source tree):

brotli-0        37.9%   10.611264ms     51.0 MB/s
brotli-1        33.9%   12.440498ms     43.5 MB/s
brotli-2        32.2%   32.232898ms     16.8 MB/s
brotli-3        31.8%   32.788896ms     16.5 MB/s
brotli-4        31.0%   41.686392ms     13.0 MB/s
brotli-5        29.0%   52.108321ms     10.4 MB/s
brotli-6        28.4%   61.75893ms      8.8 MB/s
brotli-7        27.9%   77.842721ms     6.9 MB/s
brotli-8        27.7%   101.626643ms    5.3 MB/s
brotli-9        27.5%   118.482597ms    4.6 MB/s
brotli-10       25.6%   897.835046ms    0.6 MB/s
brotli-11       25.0%   2.13944223s     0.3 MB/s

cbrotli-0       37.9%   9.664506ms      56.0 MB/s
cbrotli-1       33.9%   11.348875ms     47.7 MB/s
cbrotli-2       32.2%   29.9876ms       18.0 MB/s
cbrotli-3       31.8%   36.219238ms     14.9 MB/s
cbrotli-4       31.0%   44.791383ms     12.1 MB/s
cbrotli-5       29.0%   57.329373ms     9.4 MB/s
cbrotli-6       28.4%   58.928917ms     9.2 MB/s
cbrotli-7       27.9%   76.804601ms     7.0 MB/s
cbrotli-8       27.7%   100.928546ms    5.4 MB/s
cbrotli-9       27.5%   122.621637ms    4.4 MB/s
cbrotli-10      25.6%   916.783042ms    0.6 MB/s
cbrotli-11      25.0%   2.091093825s    0.3 MB/s

gzip-1  38.5%   9.548712ms      56.6 MB/s
gzip-2  34.9%   11.672584ms     46.3 MB/s
gzip-3  34.1%   14.940402ms     36.2 MB/s
gzip-4  31.9%   15.40793ms      35.1 MB/s
gzip-5  30.9%   25.36402ms      21.3 MB/s
gzip-6  30.7%   31.563463ms     17.1 MB/s
gzip-7  30.6%   37.404353ms     14.5 MB/s
gzip-8  30.6%   45.647576ms     11.8 MB/s
gzip-9  30.6%   47.600027ms     11.4 MB/s

> On Mar 16, 2019, at 3:55 PM, Andy Balholm <> wrote:
> Over the last few months, I’ve been working (on and off) at translating the 
> Brotli compression library into Go. (The result is at 
> I’d like to share what I’ve learned.
> I tried various tools: rsc/c2go, elliotchance/c2go, Konstantin8105/c4go, and 
> a tool that I developed myself (leaven). I kept coming back to rsc/c2go 
> because it produces the cleanest, most readable output. But I was frustrated 
> by its limitations; there are so many C constructs that it can’t handle.
> Finally I realized that the only way a C-to-Go transpiler can produce 
> readable output is to limit itself to the subset of C that maps to Go fairly 
> cleanly. And the way to deal with that is to progressively refactor the C 
> project into that subset of C.
> In practice, it turned out to be a two-sided process. I worked on c2go to 
> make it handle more of the constructs used in brotli, and I refactored the 
> brotli codebase to get rid of things c2go couldn’t handle, until the two 
> converged.
> My fork of rsc/c2go is at; the README contains 
> some more of my thoughts on the transpilation process, and a general summary 
> of how to go about translating a C project.
> Andy

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