On Mon, Mar 25, 2019 at 11:04 AM Matt Layher <mdlay...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been doing low-level networking work in Go for a few years now, but I 
> had a realization the other day:
> With the addition of the SyscallConn method in Go 1.9 to several 
> net.Conn/PacketConn types, what is the advantage of using the File method at 
> this point in time?
> The documentation (https://golang.org/pkg/net/#IPConn.File) mentions:
> > File returns a copy of the underlying os.File It is the caller's 
> > responsibility to close f when finished. Closing c does not affect f, and 
> > closing f does not affect c.
> >
> > The returned os.File's file descriptor is different from the connection's. 
> > Attempting to change properties of the original using this duplicate may or 
> > may not have the desired effect.
> But the syscall.RawConn provides a handle to a non-dup'd file descriptor, 
> which can be used for dealing with socket options and runtime network 
> poller-integrated reads/writes. To my knowledge, changing the properties of 
> the file descriptor passed in syscall.RawConn methods will always have the 
> desired effect, because it offers direct access to the file descriptor.
> Which leads to my next question: if SyscallConn provides better flexibility, 
> is it time to add a deprecation notice to the File method on various package 
> net types, in favor of SyscallConn?
> Perhaps there's some benefit to File that I'm not seeing. If so, I'd be 
> curious to find out!

If you are only calling File so that you can change properties of the
descriptor, then I agree that you always use SyscallConn instead.

But if you are calling File just to pass a socket to something that
expects a *os.File, then it remains useful.  I don't think I would
call it deprecated, though we could consider removing it if we ever
make a net/v2 package.


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