looks lovely, how do you manage sub commands ?

On Wednesday, April 10, 2019 at 2:24:21 AM UTC+2, Paul Borman wrote:
> I have never been quite happy with the flags packages available for Go, 
> including the standard flags package as well as my own getopt packages (v1 
> and v2).  They are just too cumbersome to use.  I finally have come up with 
> a solution that I like.  github.com/pborman/options 
> <https://godoc.org/github.com/pborman/options>
> The command line options are declared as a simple structure with struct 
> tags, for example:
> // Declare the command line flags.  The help information does not need to 
> line up,
> // I just think it looks prettier this way.
> var opts = struct {
> Help    options.Help  `getopt:"--help           display help"`
> Name    string        `getopt:"--name=NAME      name of the widget"`
> Count   int           `getopt:"--count -c=COUNT number of widgets"`
> Verbose bool          `getopt:"-v               be verbose"`
> Timeout time.Duration `getopt:"--timeout        duration of run"`
> }{
> Name: “gopher”,
> }
> func main() {
> // Assign args to the positional parameters.
> args := options.RegisterAndParse(&opts)
> fmt.Printf(“Name is: %s\n”, opts.Name)
> …
> }
> The command usage displayed by passing —help to the above program will 
> look something like:
> Usage: prog [-v] [-c COUNT] [--help] [--name NAME] [--timeout value] 
> [parameters ...]
>  -c, --count=COUNT  number of widgets
>      --help         display help
>      --name=NAME    name of the widget [gopher]
>      --timeout=value
>                     duration of run
>  -v                 be verbose
> The package is built on top of the github.com/pborman/getopt/v2 
> <https://godoc.org/github.com/pborman/getopt/v2> package and as such they 
> can be used together.  The options package also supports reading command 
> line arguments from a file by using the options.Flags type.
> I hope that some of you might find this helpful in writing command line 
> programs.
>     -Paul

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