FWIW, here's the pattern I've settled on for my actual application.


 It uses sync.Mutex only and includes the mutex as a member of the 
guardedState struct.  The deciding factor was that my industrial control 
application has a very large state struct with over 500 members.  Using a 
mutex instead of atomic.Value permits me to pass the address of the g.v 
directly to the update function.

// directUpdate is an order of magnitude faster than update for very large
// structs because it avoids 2 struct copies. Use it if the update 
function, f,
// can be made error-proof.
func (g *guardedState) directUpdate(f func(*state)) {
defer g.mu.Unlock()

For cases where f cannot be made error-proof, I've kept the 
copy/modify/store pattern of the original update method and added some 
error-handling, thus:

// update applies an update function, f, to a copy of the state struct, and
// saves the updated copy back to g.v unless f returns error. If f returns 
// error, leaves g.v unchanged.
func (g *guardedState) update(f func(*state) error) (err error) {
defer g.mu.Unlock()
s := g.st
err = f(&s)
if err != nil {
g.st = s

With a 500 member struct, I got the following comparative benchmarks:

BenchmarkUpdate-8          2000000        964 ns/op
BenchmarkDirectUpdate-8    20000000         60.2 ns/op

I appreciate the helpful discussions. Thank you, Skip, Matt, and Manilo.
On Sunday, April 14, 2019 at 7:47:41 PM UTC-4, Skip wrote:
> I believe you only need one or the other; I assumed a use case like this:
> https://play.golang.org/p/nSgyiXU87XN
> On Sun, Apr 14, 2019 at 1:33 PM <michae...@gmail.com <javascript:>> wrote:
>> I found a good discussion in the FAQ that explains the problem clearly. 
>> https://golang.org/doc/faq#methods_on_values_or_pointers
>> I think the mutex is needed on the update function with or without the 
>> use of sync/atomic.  The atomic guards the Load and the Store but the func 
>> is operating on the copy returned by Load.  Seems to me it's vulnerable to 
>> being pre-empted unless the entire read/modify/write sequence is guarded by 
>> a mutex.
>> On Sunday, April 14, 2019 at 2:20:02 PM UTC-4, Skip wrote:
>>> I don't know if it's documented or not.  In the language reference you 
>>> can see the rules for method calls:
>>> https://golang.org/ref/spec#Calls
>>> https://golang.org/ref/spec#Method_sets
>>> A hint might have been that object should have mutated, but it didn't.  
>>> It's in a class of errors that becomes recognizable once you've been bitten 
>>> by it.
>>> In the example you gave, use of mutex seems redundant to me; execution 
>>> of func passed into update is already guarded by atomic.
>>> On Sun, Apr 14, 2019 at 9:51 AM <michae...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Thanks, Skip. That fixes it. Is the need for a pointer receiver 
>>>> documented somewhere? It's not something that even crossed my mind given 
>>>> that the neither the compiler nor golint complained.  I suppose it makes 
>>>> sense if I think of func (x) foo(y) {} as being an alternate way of 
>>>> writing 
>>>> func foo(x, y) {}. In that case, it's clear that a copy of x is being 
>>>> passed since that's Go's default.
>>>> While this topic is still alive, I'd like to ask a follow-on question: 
>>>> Is the use of sync/atomic actually needed in this example or is it 
>>>> sufficient to wrap all accesses in mutex Lock/Unlock (using the same 
>>>> mutex, 
>>>> of course).
>>>> On Sunday, April 14, 2019 at 12:08:55 PM UTC-4, Skip wrote:
>>>>> The receiver for load and update should be the original object not a 
>>>>> copy.
>>>>> https://play.golang.org/p/XCZC0OVhGMa
>>>>> On Sun, Apr 14, 2019, 7:56 AM <michae...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> https://play.golang.org/p/6aQYNjojyBD
>>>>>> I'm clearly missing something about the way sync.Mutex and 
>>>>>> atomic.Value work in Go.
>>>>>> I'm attempting to write a pair of concurrency safe methods, load() 
>>>>>> and update(), for accessing a struct.  The struct is stored as an 
>>>>>> atomic.Value and accessed with atomic.Load and atomic.Value.  I'm also 
>>>>>> wrapping the accesses within a mutex Lock/Unlock.  That's probably 
>>>>>> unneeded 
>>>>>> for my load() method but I added it trying to figure out why it's not 
>>>>>> returning updated info. In my minimal example below (also in the Go 
>>>>>> Playground link above) the output of main() should be:
>>>>>> s={65535}
>>>>>> v={65535}
>>>>>> but I get
>>>>>> s={65535}
>>>>>> v={0}
>>>>>> indicating that the updated value is not available after the call to 
>>>>>> update().
>>>>>> The only thing I'm doing that's a little different from the examples 
>>>>>> in the doc for sync/atomic is passing a function that takes a pointer to 
>>>>>> a 
>>>>>> struct instance to my update function. I do that to make it easy to 
>>>>>> write 
>>>>>> code that updates just a few items in the state struct (which in my real 
>>>>>> application has many members instead of just one as shown here.)
>>>>>> Apologies for wasting the group's time if I've overlooked a 
>>>>>> brain-dead error, but I've been fooling with this for several hours now 
>>>>>> and 
>>>>>> can't see why it shouldn't be working,   
>>>>>> package main
>>>>>> import (
>>>>>> "fmt"
>>>>>> "sync"
>>>>>> "sync/atomic"
>>>>>> )
>>>>>> type state struct {
>>>>>> R4000 uint16
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> type guardedState struct {
>>>>>> v atomic.Value
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> var stateMutex = sync.Mutex{}
>>>>>> var gState guardedState
>>>>>> func init() {
>>>>>> gState.v.Store(state{})
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> func (g guardedState) load() state {
>>>>>> stateMutex.Lock()
>>>>>> defer stateMutex.Unlock()
>>>>>> s := gState.v.Load()
>>>>>> return s.(state)
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> func (g guardedState) update(f func(*state)) {
>>>>>> stateMutex.Lock()
>>>>>> defer stateMutex.Unlock()
>>>>>> s := g.v.Load().(state)
>>>>>> f(&s)
>>>>>> g.v.Store(s)
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> func main() {
>>>>>> f := func(s *state) {
>>>>>> s.R4000 = 65535
>>>>>> fmt.Printf("s=%v\n", *s)
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> gState.update(f)
>>>>>> v := gState.load()
>>>>>> fmt.Printf("v=%v\n", v)
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> -- 
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