On Sun, Apr 21, 2019 at 7:16 PM <lgod...@gmail.com> wrote:
> For this simple go code, the *.exe file size is 1800 KB ...why so large 
> compared to equivalent C-compiled code ??
> package main
> import( "math"; "fmt" )
> func main() {
> fmt.Printf("\n %8.3f", math.Sin(1.2) )
> }
> Does the go generated *.exe file contain code only for math.Sin() or all the 
> functions that comprise "math"  ?
> Obviously there much more in the go *.exe file because of "fmt", but the 
> basic question still is why is the go *.exe file so large ??
> In addition to Sin() and Printf() what else is contained in the go *.exe file 
> ??

In addition to what other people said, Go programs are statically
linked by default, while C++ programs are dynamically linked by
default.  Try comparing the size of "cc -static".  Go is still bigger,
but not quite as much.


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