Ok. I fixed it.

For anybody interested, here's how I solved it.

On the Go side, I extended my exported function by adding "ctx 
content.Context" as a parameter (i e "func Hello(ctx content.Context).
On the Java side, I'm then passing the mobile context as follows (this is a 
React Native app, so it's bound to different from regular Android apps):

Context ctx = getReactApplicationContext();

I can then access the application context from the Go side.

Now one thing that would be interesting still is whether/how I can reverse 
bind "com.facebook.react.bridge.ReactContextBaseJavaModule" on the Go side 
so I can call "getReactApplicationContext()" directly from the Go side 
rather than pass the context in from Java.

I know there's "-classpath" but how does it actually work for external Java 

On Wednesday, 24 April 2019 15:27:31 UTC+2, Mark Bauermeister wrote:
> Yea. Turns out that was indeed the issue. I tried accessing a method that 
> didn't actually exist.
> Unfortunately, your code doesn't work either. It leads to a segmentation 
> violation/nil pointer error.
> I suspect one needs to somehow get the right context from the Java side. 
> Question is how.
> I already tried an OnCreate override func, but that one is somehow never 
> called.
> On Wednesday, 24 April 2019 15:08:02 UTC+2, ma...@eliasnaur.com wrote:
>> On Wednesday, April 24, 2019 at 2:34:34 PM UTC+2, Mark Bauermeister wrote:
>>> I'm currently experimenting with Gomobile Reverse Bindings (my hope is 
>>> to eventually be able to call getFilesDir(), so I can save my SQLite3 DB on 
>>> mobile) and it is, quite literally, driving me insane.
>>> I've followed the sparse information available, was able to successfully 
>>> work with 'import "Java/java/lang/System" and call 
>>> "System.currentTimeMillis()".
>>> Now I'm trying to import "Java/android/content" and it fails outright, 
>>> stating that the package "Java/android/content" cannot be found.
>>> What is the correct import path for Android packages, or is there 
>>> something else I need to do that I'm missing?
>> Note that reverse binding packages will only be generated if you use a 
>> type from it; importing is unfortunately not enough.
>> Perhaps
>> import "Java/android/content"
>> var ctx content.Context
>> ctx.GetFilesDir()
>> is enough to get further.
>> The reverse bindings are very fickle, sorry.
>>  - elias

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