I'm a linux / c++ guy with an itch to try writing a tiny scalable web app.
I suspect golang and google app engine might be a good fit, and have been 
looking for an excuse to try them.

The app would:
- provide a facebook login button
- let user specify a facebook page
- post a message to that page
- use a database to remember state for each user 
- scale to 1,000 users

In my ten minutes of searching, I see:
- https://github.com/huandu/facebook looks like how people use facebook's 
graph api from glang
- https://gobuffalo.io looks like an all-encompassing go web app framework, 
but not particularly google app engine friendly, and
I'd like to avoid having to upload a whole docker image.

It seems clear how one would use huandu/facebook once logged in to 
facebook, but less clear how one would set up a web app to do that from.

Any favorite tutorials for how to get started?


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