> This site can’t be reached
> site took too long to respond.

Where is this coming from, some kind of a client?

> How come the autocert TLS handshake trying to connect my home IP address
autocert doesn't connect anywhere except the ACME directory, Let's Encrypt 
being most common I guess.
Most likely you've tried connecting to your server from home and that's 
where your own IP would show up.

Make sure the domain name points to a publicly accessible IP address where 
your box is running.
The ACME CA will try to connect to it while verifying proof of domain 
control. If it can't, the validation fails and autocert won't be able to 
complete TLS handshake. 

On Wednesday, 8 May 2019 03:07:36 UTC+2, Tong Sun wrote:
> Hi, 
> I've been trying to get an TLS server up and running for the past several 
> days without success. I've used the following guides as reference:
> https://goenning.net/2017/11/08/free-and-automated-ssl-certificates-with-go/
> https://blog.kowalczyk.info/article/Jl3G/https-for-free-in-go-with-little-help-of-lets-encrypt.html
> and many more. 
> But for all of them I'm getting
> This site can’t be reached
> site took too long to respond.
> The latest code that I tried is 
> https://gist.github.com/samthor/5ff8cfac1f80b03dfe5a9be62b29d7f2
> whose console log was:
> 2019/05/07 20:27:16 Serving http/https for domains: [my.domain.com]
> 2019/05/07 20:28:05 http: TLS handshake error from 99.xx.xx.221:43662: EOF
> The previous errors I got from console log were:
> 2019/05/07 11:11:11 http: TLS handshake error from 99.xx.xx.221:40820: 
> context deadline exceeded
> 2019/05/07 11:11:11 http: TLS handshake error from 99.xx.xx.221:40826: 
> acme/autocert: missing certificate
> . . . 
> The console log looked very strange to me -- 
> - I have a real site with real DNS name. 
> - I ssh into the box as me, and start the program as:
>  sudo ./autocert-server my.domain.com
> However, that 99.xx.xx.221 from all logs is my own home IP address (with a 
> different domain name). 
> How come the autocert TLS handshake trying to connect my home IP address, 
> instead of the remote server that I run the web site from and provide the 
> real DNS name with? 
> thx

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