On Fri, May 10, 2019 at 1:43 PM Jason E. Aten <j.e.a...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I wondering if anyone can shed some light on
> a) how I might understand when the Go runtime inside a DLL is supposed to be 
> initialized;

In c-shared mode the function _rt0_amd64_windows_lib is supposed to be
called when the DLL is initialized.  That function, in
runtime/rt0_windows_amd64.s, should start a new thread that will
initialize the Go runtime.

The Windows support for c-shared is very new, and perhaps there are
some circumstances in which it does not arrange for
rt0_amd64_windows_lib to be run when the DLL is loaded.  I'm not sure
but I think the code that sets this up is (*peFile).addInitArray in
cmd/link/internal/ld/pe.go.  So make sure that method is being called,
and then make sure it is doing the right thing.


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