There is guru (
but it's intended for editors not humans.   I suppose that means perhaps 
you could use one of the editors that uses guru ?


src/io/io.go:#5381 is where io.ReadSeeker is defined:

$ guru implements src/io/io.go:#5381 |grep gomaster/src |grep -v _test.go 
gomaster/src/bytes/reader.go:18.6-18.11: is implemented by pointer type 
gomaster/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/iimport.go:241.6-241.17: is 
implemented by pointer type *cmd/compile/internal/gc.importReader 
gomaster/src/cmd/go/internal/lockedfile/lockedfile.go:24.6-24.9: is 
implemented by struct type cmd/go/internal/lockedfile.File 
gomaster/src/cmd/go/internal/lockedfile/lockedfile.go:31.6-31.11: is 
implemented by struct type cmd/go/internal/lockedfile.osFile 
gomaster/src/cmd/go/internal/modfetch/codehost/vcs.go:450.6-450.17: is 
implemented by struct type cmd/go/internal/modfetch/codehost.deleteCloser 
gomaster/src/debug/elf/reader.go:13.6-13.16: is implemented by struct type 
gomaster/src/debug/elf/reader.go:37.6-37.25: is implemented by pointer type 
gomaster/src/go/internal/gcimporter/iimport.go:21.6-21.14: is implemented 
by struct type go/internal/gcimporter.intReader 
gomaster/src/internal/poll/fd_unix.go:18.6-18.7: is implemented by pointer 
type *internal/poll.FD 
gomaster/src/io/io.go:115.6-115.11: implements Seeker 
gomaster/src/io/io.go:145.6-145.15: interface type ReadSeeker 
gomaster/src/io/io.go:157.6-157.20: is implemented by interface type 
gomaster/src/io/io.go:461.6-461.18: is implemented by pointer type 
gomaster/src/io/io.go:77.6-77.11: implements Reader 
gomaster/src/mime/multipart/formdata.go:160.6-160.9: is implemented by 
interface type mime/multipart.File 
gomaster/src/mime/multipart/formdata.go:169.6-169.22: is implemented by 
struct type mime/multipart.sectionReadCloser 
gomaster/src/net/http/fs.go:93.6-93.9: is implemented by interface type 
gomaster/src/os/exec/exec.go:562.6-562.14: is implemented by struct type 
gomaster/src/os/types.go:16.6-16.9: is implemented by pointer type *os.File 
gomaster/src/strings/reader.go:17.6-17.11: is implemented by pointer type 

On Wednesday, May 15, 2019 at 7:56:17 AM UTC-7, White Hexagon wrote:
> I have another strange interface with the Go AWS SDK.  The PutObject is 
> expecting the data as an: io.ReadSeeker
> I imagine there is something implementing this in Go.  But my question is 
> how would a new user find this information?  The go documentation for the 
> API just tells me there is a Reader and a Seeker but not what might be 
> implementing the interface.  I imagine this is difficult to generate since 
> there is no explicit keyword 'implements' but I also imagine it is 
> documented somewhere?
> Cheers
> Peter
> go1.12.1

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