Hey Gophers!

In the blog post Go Modules in 2019 <https://blog.golang.org/modules2019>,
we announced our intent to provide a module mirror for accelerating Go
module downloads, an index for discovering new modules, and a checksum
database for authenticating module content.

We are excited to share that our module mirror, index, and checksum
database are now in beta, and are currently the default at tip for Go 1.13
development branch module-users!

Our privacy policy explains how we collect and use your information. The
privacy policy for all of these services is proxy.golang.org/privacy.

The module mirror at proxy.golang.org serves the go command’s proxy
protocol. The Go 1.13 development tree uses this mirror for all module
downloads by default. See the go command documentation at tip
for details. To make earlier versions of the go command use it (when in
module mode), set GOPROXY=https://proxy.golang.org.

The checksum database at sum.golang.org helps verify new downloads from
proxies or direct fetches, serving the URLs described in the Secure the
Public Go Module Ecosystem
proposal. The Go 1.13 development tree checks new module versions against
the checksum database by default. Earlier versions of the go command cannot
directly use the checksum database.

See the go command documentation at tip
<https://tip.golang.org/cmd/go/#hdr-Module_authentication_failures> for

If you are using Go 1.12 or earlier, you can manually check a go.sum file
against the checksum database with gosumcheck

go get golang.org/x/exp/sumdb/gosumcheck

gosumcheck /path/to/go.sum

The module index at index.golang.org serves a feed of module versions in
the order they are discovered. For example, see

We hope you’ll try out these new services! Please file issues
<https://github.com/golang/go/issues/new> if you spot them, with the title
prefix “proxy.golang.org:” (or index.golang.org, or sum.golang.org). We
look forward to hearing about how it’s working for you!


Katie Hockman

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