сб, 20 июл. 2019 г. в 17:17, Martin Schnabel <m...@mb0.org>:
> If you only need any unnamed struct type you can create one with reflect
> from the field information that you can write to text somewhere.
>         https://godoc.org/reflect#StructOf
> These unnamed struct types however do not have any methods and do not
> wrap embedded named type methods.
> Otherwise you probably want to register your struct types on program
> initialization; for later lookup and so that they are part of the
> compiled binary. The gob package does it like that for example.

Thanks for link doc. It is very useful. Now i think that i'm try to
use protobuf Any (as all of my struct are protobuf proto.Message.
As i understand via protobuf i can register needed Req/Rsp empty
messages via Any, and later unmarshal message to this empty structs.

Vasiliy Tolstov,
e-mail: v.tols...@selfip.ru

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