thanks to everyone for sharing its thoughts about this question.

it confirms what i read elsewhere.

this app is to install on the end user computer, 
and there is no central authority required to use its
service.Unlike the game Michael Jones is working on,
where somehow the user must to connect some server.

The only reason i have to introduce a central authority,
or a network of peer validation (a way i have thought about to prevent a 
simple MITM), 
is for licensing concerns.

Giving the control of the data to the end user is part of the value added 
of the product,
so hosting it on a managed remote platform is not an option.

I was hoping some sort of cross platform one-for-all solution.
Ideally, quick to setup (...).
Having to rely on package managers to install it is something i have to 

A quick search reveals projects to implement automatic patching.
I did not think to search about this before today.
It does not look like fully automated yet, but they definitely follow the 

Alternatively, an obfuscation tool exists here
I ll give it a try but if anyone ever has tested it
i would very much appreciate a feedback.

Is it still true that -w might break things when using the reflection 
package ?

On a broader and less personal perspective i also asked because i m 
freaking out of all those governments 
wanting to install backdoor everywhere and feel completely defenseless to 
what they will implement soon. 
Because they will do. 
But this is not a programming topic so i will not expand.

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