Can anyone help me perform dynamic unmarshalling depending on the type of 
messages received from a diameter client. In the code below, I have to two 
structures which represent two different messages received by a diameter 
server. I would like to modify the current code which unmarshals the 
request to the struct `var req HandleDERRequest` such that the 
unmarshalling is done dynamically either to the `var req HandleDERRequest` 
or `var challreq HandleChallRequest`, depending on the received message 
that matches a particular structure. I have tried to implement with the 
code below but it not working as it should. All the answers are being 
return at the same time and this is not what am expecting.  

    func HandleDER(settings sm.Settings) diam.HandlerFunc {
        // If received AVP messages are of this struct format, Unmarshal 
message to this structure
        type HandleDERRequest struct {
            SessionID         datatype.UTF8String       `avp:"Session-Id"`
            OriginHost        datatype.DiameterIdentity `avp:"Origin-Host"`
            OriginRealm       datatype.DiameterIdentity `avp:"Origin-Realm"`
            DestinationHost   datatype.DiameterIdentity 
            DestinationRealm  datatype.DiameterIdentity 
            UserName          datatype.UTF8String       `avp:"User-Name"`
            AuthSessionState  datatype.Enumerated       
            AuthApplicationID datatype.Unsigned32       
            AuthRequestType   datatype.Enumerated       
            EAPPayload        datatype.OctetString      `avp:"EAP-Payload"`
            RATType           datatype.Enumerated       `avp:"RAT-Type"`
            ANID              datatype.UTF8String       `avp:"ANID"`
        // If received AVP messages are of this struct format, Unmarshal 
message to this structure
        type HandleChallRequest struct {
            SessionID        datatype.UTF8String       `avp:"Session-Id"`
            OriginHost       datatype.DiameterIdentity `avp:"Origin-Host"`
            OriginRealm      datatype.DiameterIdentity `avp:"Origin-Realm"`
            DestinationHost  datatype.DiameterIdentity 
            DestinationRealm datatype.DiameterIdentity 
            EAPPayload       datatype.OctetString      `avp:"EAP-Payload"`
        return func(c diam.Conn, m *diam.Message) {
            var err error = nil
            var req HandleDERRequest
            var code uint32 = diam.Success
            err = m.Unmarshal(&req)
            if err != nil {
                err = fmt.Errorf("Unmarshal failed: %s", err)
                code = diam.UnableToComply
                log.Printf("Invalid DER(%d): %s\n", code, err.Error())
            a := m.Answer(code)
            a.NewAVP(avp.SessionID, avp.Mbit, 0, req.SessionID)
            a.NewAVP(avp.OriginHost, avp.Mbit, 0, req.DestinationHost)
            a.NewAVP(avp.OriginRealm, avp.Mbit, 0, req.DestinationRealm)
            a.NewAVP(avp.OriginStateID, avp.Mbit, 0, settings.OriginStateID)
            _, err = AKA_Challenge_Request(settings, c, a)
            if err != nil {
                log.Printf("Failed to send AAA challenge request: %s", 

            var challreq HandleChallageRequest
            err = m.Unmarshal(&challreq)
            if err != nil {
                err = fmt.Errorf("Unmarshal failed: %s", err)
                code = diam.UnableToComply
                log.Printf("Invalid DER(%d): %s\n", code, err.Error())
            a = m.Answer(code)
            a.NewAVP(avp.SessionID, avp.Mbit, 0, req.SessionID)
            a.NewAVP(avp.OriginHost, avp.Mbit, 0, req.DestinationHost)
            a.NewAVP(avp.OriginRealm, avp.Mbit, 0, req.DestinationRealm)
            a.NewAVP(avp.OriginStateID, avp.Mbit, 0, settings.OriginStateID)
            _, err = AKA_Success_Notification(settings, c, a)
            if err != nil {
               log.Printf("Failed to send Success Notification: %s", 

I know there should be an if condition of the return function but I don't 
know how to start. Please any idea about how to go about it.

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