On Thu, Sep 12, 2019 at 9:40 PM Andrey Tcherepanov
<xnow4fippy...@sneakemail.com> wrote:
> well, subj - why can't I "just"  do a select on a slice of channels? Yes, I 
> can run a bunch goroutines with of reads on an each channel, funnel it all 
> into 1 notification channel, pick up on the other side...  boring stuff, 
> really...
> But why not  "just"
> func main() {
>     cc := make([]chan interface{}, 10)
>     for i := 0; i < len(cc); i++ {
>         cc[i] = make(chan interface{})
>     }
>     dd := make([]chan int)
>     for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
>         dd = append(dd, make(chan int))
>     }
>  select {
>    // do we need a special <-[] ?
>    case i, c, v, ok := <-[]cc:
>       fmt.Printf("cc replied : channel index %d, channel %v, value %v, 
> ok=%v", i, c, v, ok)
>    // or I dunno, not introducing a new op
>    case i, d, v, ok := <-dd:
>       fmt.Printf("dd sent something: channel index %d, channel %v, value %v, 
> ok=%v", i, d, v, ok)
>  }
>  // or shorter, but I hope you get the drift
>  select {
>    case i, c, ok := <-[]cc:
>       fmt.Printf("cc replied : channel index %d, channel %v, value %v, 
> ok=%v", i, c, <-c, ok)
>    case i, d, ok := <-dd:
>       fmt.Printf("dd sent something: channel index %d, channel %v, value %v, 
> ok=%v", i, d, <-d, ok)
>  }
> }
> Why? System limitations? Rarely needed?
> Feels like extending language to handle that would not be too much of 
> violation of an existing code. Ok, lets go nuts! Mirrored "cc <- value" for 
> sending to a slice of channels! -- it should pick randomly available channel 
> out of the slice of channels!

You actually can do it using the reflect package:
https://golang.org/pkg/reflect/#Select (not because we necessarily
want the reflect package to support selecting on a slice of channels,
but because there is no other reasonable way to write reflect.Select).

It's not in the language proper mainly because it doesn't seem to come
up very much.  I don't think there is even a proposal for it.  And
while anyone is welcome to write a proposal, it will need some
justification for why it will be worth the cost of complicating the


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