Hi list.

The modernc.org domain go-get redirector is hosted at the Google App
Engine and provides access to all packages found at this time at
https://gitlab.com/cznic. Go code for the redirector iself is
published at https://gitlab.com/cznic/modernc. The instance dashboard
shows a warning: "A version of your app is using a deprecated version
of Go. Please upgrade before October 1, 2019. Learn more". The "Learn
more" links here:

I'm pretty lost after reading the docs. It's not just about changing
`runtime: go` to `runtime: go112` in the `app.yaml` file.

As I'm using the deprecated `appengine` package
I should migrate to the Google Cloud client library. The docs link
here: https://github.com/googleapis/google-api-go-client. However,
looking at the godocs here
https://godoc.org/google.golang.org/api/appengine/v1, I cannot see any
`Main` API call to replace the call at `main:21`.

The redirector has 10K+ requests daily and I need to do the upgrade today.

Please help me, thanks in advance.

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