
I just ran coz on a project of mine a few days ago.
Building it properly was a little bit of trail and error to figure how out 
how get the build to play nice with the profiler but eventually I got it 

For builds, use

go build -o <yourbinary> -ldflags=-compressdwarf=false

So that coz can read the debug symbols properly.

I made a small wrapper repo here: https://github.com/urjitbhatia/cozgo

In terms of actual profiler output, I got some useful info but it isn't 
something that regular profiling tools didn't tell me so far. (That I 
memory allocation is kinda slow for me right now).

[image: Screen Shot 2019-10-02 at 4.21.09 PM.png]
I think I need to run a longer, slightly more varied loadtest on the 
application to exercise more of the profiler.

On Tuesday, October 1, 2019 at 8:13:08 PM UTC-7, Gerald Stan wrote:
> Hi, interesting work. @Ingo is that the only way run casual profiling in 
> go?

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