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* Stuart Davies <sdd.dav...@gmail.com> [191015 07:24]:
> My goal is to contain a list of integers that may extend to possibly a 
> couple of thousand entries. Initial size is 100. Extensions add 50 entries 
> at a time.
> I declared the array initially with:
> make([]int64, 100).
> I tried using the Append function but could not Append past the 100 
> entries. The 101 entry threw a panic so I detirmined to extend the array 
> myself. 
> I would have thought Append should extend if required but it did not (or am 
> I using it incorrectly). I looked at some other code examples but could not 
> find a solution.
> In C there is an array copy function that is implemented by the processor 
> directly, it's been a long time since I used C and assembler but I rememer 
> there were non overlapping mem copy instructions that would make an array 
> copy very fast. 
> Is there somthing similar in GO.
> This is a general question, it is not really specific to my application. I 
> just want to know the best practices for 'extending' an array of arbitrary 
> type.

The append function should do exactly what you want, but you must use it
properly.  There is a good explanation of slices on the Go blog at
«https://blog.golang.org/go-slices-usage-and-internals».  The builtin
append function will append to the existing backing array if there is
enough capacity, but will allocate a new backing array if necessary.
Because of this, it always returns the new slice, and you must use the
returned slice, rather than the original.  Here is a playground link
demonstrating the use of append:


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