We have https://golang.org/issue/26232 open for 2FA workflows in general.
> In the meantime, you may need to configure a Personal Access Token 
> <https://help.github.com/en/github/authenticating-to-github/creating-a-personal-access-token-for-the-command-line>
>  to 
> get HTTPS to work.

We use 2FA for accessing the github UI but we tend to use SSH for push and 
pull.  Would be easier if it tried ssh rather than bailing out.


>>    - Another team member said they tried using 
>>    v0.0.0-00010101000000-000000000000 as version but it got replaced.
>> That probably means that you have a higher version requirement from some 
> other dependency. (The `go` command automatically updates the `go.mod` file 
> to maintain consistency.)
But then we go round in circles, right?  The start of this discussion was 
that I wanted a "nil" version to put in my require statement so that I 
could replace it with exactly the commit that I need using a "replace".  
Now, if the tool helpfully updates the require then that defeats the point 
of having a "nil" version in the first place.

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