On Saturday, October 26, 2019 at 10:22:42 PM UTC+2, atd...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Saturday, October 26, 2019 at 9:47:39 PM UTC+2, Ian Lance Taylor wrote:
>> On Sat, Oct 26, 2019 at 10:50 AM atd...@gmail.com <atd...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote: 
>> > 
>> > I get that we can do that but it's not strictly about slices operations 
>> such as appending or copying. 
>> > Of course, we could copy slices all the time but then there is no 
>> benefit in having them and it is not ergonomic as your example shows, nor 
>> does it fit your performance cost requirements. 
>> > 
>> > If you look at the code snippet I posted, I am merely assigning a value 
>> of type slice to a struct field. Now, that struct can be copied a number of 
>> times without its actual value changing. It looks immutable in some sense. 
>>  BUT, it's actually implicitly tied to an object that is mutable (backing 
>> array) and nowhere have we made sure that the mutation of this backing 
>> array is safe. 
>> For better or for worse, the Go language has shared state.  This is 
>> most obvious when using pointers: if you copy a pointer, you do not 
>> copy the memory to which that pointer points.  If that is clear, then 
>> the thing to remember about slices is that they are pointers. 
>> Pointers in Go do not permit arithmetic.  
>> Slices in Go are pointers 
>> that permit bounded arithmetic. 
>> Oh, I hadn't thought about it that way! Interesting.
> I still feel like there should be a way to reign in the amount of shared 
> state in the cases of these "fat" pointers a little bit. Or at least, 
> inspect it, warn about it more because most people seem to think that 
> slices are just infinite arrays (hence the need for the extra-level of 
> indirection/pointer). 
> But perhaps, the coding patterns/idioms make it a non issue.  For future 
> considerations I guess.

I believe it's going to be to hard to write a go vet analyser that could 
warn to detect unintended state change on a array from two different 
pointers. Go made it this far without many programmers throwing monitors 
out of the window so I think will be fine by making sure we document slices 
pointers and interfaces in detail. Yes does 3 pages going to be heavy to 
understand but if you just remember when you encounter weird stuff to just 
look again at does 3 pages.

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