cgo is often used to provide bindings to C libraries. Any memory allocated 
in the C library is not visible to Go, so Go does not have an accurate view 
of the program's memory usage and does not run the garbage collector or any 
finalizers often enough. Consequently, memory usage for a Go server that 
uses cgo heavily can grow very large, with Go itself being utterly unaware 
of it.

If the C functions allocate memory, historically you could set a finalizer 
to free the memory sometime after there are no remaining references to it 
in Go, as, for example, described in this blog post 
However, the current Go docs on runtime.SetFinalizer 
<> state:

> There is no guarantee that finalizers will run before a program exits, so 
typically they are useful only for releasing non-memory resources 
associated with an object during a long-running program.

Are there any other ways to automatically release memory resources 
associated with an object? Or telling Go's memory manager that the small 
object it sees in the Go world is but the tip of an iceberg of memory 
allocated in the C world and therefore should be finalized?

Not-good options include:
- Requiring the programmer to make explicit calls to free the memory 
resources when they believe the object is no longer needed, but this takes 
us back to the painful world of C's manual memory management and is easy to 
get wrong.
- Padding Go objects associated with C memory resources with large, unused 
fields (e.g. an [1024]byte) in the hope that the Go garbage collector will 
be more likely to finalize and free them when they are unused.
- Avoiding cgo in any server code.

Are there any good options?


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